Xtreme Beta Rules are live!
The DreadBall Xtreme Beta Rules have gone live!
Presented in the Mantic Digital format, the digital rules contain all you need to know to play DreadBall Xtreme, including traps, pitch layouts, sponsor actions as well as stats for Convicts and Asterians!
Download your free Beta Rules, find out what all the fuss is about, and help Mantic playtest the game!
Once you’ve played a few games and decided it’s for you (and lets face it, if you’ve played DreadBall, you’ll know how easy it is to grasp!), we recommend a pledge of Rampage – which includes everything you need to play plus a great selection of stretch goals, bonus extras and goodies!
All of this great stuff is worth over $225 individually – and if you pledge now, we’ll be able to break through even more stretch goals and add even more stuff into it!
Remember you don’t spend any money until after the Kickstarter has finished, so if you change your mind, you can still pull out your money at the end!