The wrath of Tenbatsu

Taisho Kurouma Tenbatsu – Various factions

Kurouma Tenbatsu is a broken and twisted man. The Kurouma line was cut over a century ago, only a small and insignificant clan during their short existence and Tenbatsu is all that remains of the clan formerly based in Eastern Jwar. The last son of the samurai clan is hardly even human although what he is, is up for debate. Some say that the colossus of a man is a twisted soul, torn between this world and Jikoku for his sins, some that the man is dead and that the cursed swords he is forever bound to carry constantly fight for control of him, others that he has sold his soul for eternal life and is simply a man too far down his dark path to ever come back. What is known is that he is welcomed and feared equally by his allies for he is inhumanely strong and savage, this damned warrior striking fear into the hearts of all those who dare to stand against his murderous rampage. 

Check out Nathan and Teri’s review of Bushido HERE


We promised one Wave 19 Bushido model for every two hundred likes and so Clint Beaver, Matthew Scott & Andrew Hayford will receive their choice of Wave 19 models. Just post your choice in todays Facebook post or send us a message using the same Facebook profile.

Also we have been blown away by the number of likes we have received on our Facebook page, we have smashed through the target of 600 and we have selected 3 people who like the page to have a metal copy of Katsumi added to their KS pledge.

Jonathan Powell

Robert Steneholm

Drew Nance

On top of this we are also running a similar giveaway over on Dakka Dakka, check it out. Go and share your thoughts, hopes and ideas about the game to be in with a chance to win a metal version of Katsumi.

In the meantime we have revealed another of the ninja of the Kage Kaze Zoku, Shizuka, what do you think?