Wrath of Kings Sneak Peek: Arkazan Greatwing

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We’re back with another Wrath of Kings Sneak Peek taking a look at an upcoming model! Behold the might of the Arkazan Greatwing. This unit for House Nasier specializes in hunting down and slaying high Resilience targets, all the while casting aside lesser foes that would stand in its way. Basically, this is a unit you’re really going to want on your side of the table. Let’s start by taking a look at his concept art.


As you can see, you don’t want to be on the business ends of the Arkazan’s blades. While the Arkazan’s wings are primarily for show, it is still a huge threat on the battlefield, working to position itself to hunt large prey while simultaneous knocking smaller adversaries aside! Here’s the Arkazan’s stats:

So his art is awesome and he’s a literal monster on the field, but what about the mini, you ask? Well, feast your eyes on the fully painted Arkazan Greatwing by none other than our talented Jen Haley. The model is shown on 50mm base.


We hope you liked this sneak peek and you can look forward to getting the Arkazan Greatwing to the table this March! Join the conversation with other Wrath of Kings players over on its Facebook page.