Wild West Exodus Short Story Competition
Winged Hussar Publishing is happy to announce its first annual short story competition for Wild West Exodus (WWX).
General: One to three short stories will be chosen for inclusion in the Wild West Exodus Anthology to be published at the end of 2014.
How to Contribute: People interested in contributing should submit a 7,000 – 10,000 word short story based in the world of Wild West Exodus game and novels. This story should be created in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF (thus saved as a .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .rtf file), and should have a synopsis at the beginning which will provide an outline of the story and main characters.
Where to send it: We will be accepting submissions from July 5th to August 5th 2014. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected].
Subject matter: Any storyline or character mentioned in the WWX rulebook, comic, novels, the WWX website, or background will be considered. Keep it simple and make sure you understand the world of WWX and how it works. Stories can only be based upon existing characters that exist as models in the WWX Universe.
Finally: Only those stories accepted by WHP will be published, and thosechosen authors will be issued a contract. By submitting a story to this contest you acknowledge that the background and characters mentioned in WWX are the property of Outlaw Miniatures and created by Romeo C. Filip, and WHP may retain all rights to any of the stories submitted. WHP retains the right to edit the stories as necessary to fit the background and style. These stories remain the property of WHP and Outlaw Miniatures.