When Rob’s away Ronnie and Elvis come out to play.
When Rob’s away, Ronnie will play!
We are in the middle
of the year (where did it go?), and Rob has made the schoolboy error of going
on holiday…leaving me to take over the newsletter, webstore and Blog – What
could possibly go wrong!?

First up, the Goblins
are in store right now…

…and I don’t care what
game you play, if you like greenskins, you are gonna love these nasty little fellas!
Get along to your local store, or www.manticgames.com and get some while the first wave is still available (these are resin, so production takes a while!).
With Deadzone
continuing to grow in popularity, and welcoming new gamers the world over, we
are back with this year’s upgrade to the core rules.
The Containment Protocol: Escalation book gives
every player:

- New
factions, such as a Merc force and the Veer-myn Volt-chasers - The latest
balanced and improved army lists for every faction - New
Missions – and new secret Missions - Interactive
Scenery – including computer terminals, specimen tanks and even Explosive
Alongside the book there is also an Incoming
Intel Deck – allowing for in-game mission upgrades and new objectives – and of
course the factions themselves are available too.
To dig deeper into what’s inside Containment Protocol: Escalation there’s new content hitting the blog and Facebook every day…
However, one of the best ways to add the Mercs, and the scenery to your collection is to pick up the Star Saga game.

Not only does it have
both of those in the box (which bought individually would come to £70) but you
also get the Mazon Labs faction in the game – meaning not only do you save
money – you get the fantastic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawler Game thrown in!
Well that doesn’t sound very mad so far, Ronnie…
Throughout June, the Star Saga Beyond Eiras Bundle will be available at just £50!
Which for Deadzone
fans means the game PLUS 2 factions – Mercs and Mazon Labs AND Interactive
Scenery and doors
On top of which, every
bundle will come with:
- Fear in the Darkness Expansion
- Star Saga Character and Mission
Creator Expansion - 6 bonus Star Saga miniatures,
Blaine, Kira Nikolovski, the Survivor, Hacker Half-Tail, The Fear, and Koris
Beyond Eiras Mission book with 15 new missions, plus Project Pandora rules and missions

If you are just keen to give Deadzone a try – then, as always from Mantic, you’ll find free basic rules right here.
Come back Friday when I’ll be revealing all by video (!), blog and email about Mantic’s plans for the summer and beyond!
Until then, keep
rolling exploding 8’s, and sharing your hobby projects with us!!
Best wishes
PS. The UK Games Expo is approaching fast and we can’t wait see you there! Come and find us on stand 1-574 as we are running demos of Hellboy and Star Saga! We will of course have all our new releases, show exclusive models plus our legendary show deals. See you in Birmingham!
This being said customer service will be closed until Monday folks, but don’t worry after I am back from Expo I will get back to you.

The post When Rob’s away Ronnie and Elvis come out to play. appeared first on Mantic Blog.