What’s new in the studio – GAMEMAT.EU

October: Necropolis release, plans for a campaign, Amsterdam GT
We are so hyped about Necropolis. You can tell I guess:) I think we made an outstanding combination of narrative and functional terrain, which is usable in many 28-32mm wargaming systems. Those huge Necropolis Hab-Blocks are
d one of the largest and best L-shape LOS blocks you can wish for your games of Warhammer 40000. In addition with many platforms from both sides those buildings are serving as a ruin/area terrain of a sort as well. And just connect some of the Tech-Shafts to a Hab-Block and you can wrac havoc with your Necromunda gangs or Kill Teams. That way Necropolis set becomes great multi-level terrain with lots of cover opportunities for skirmish games!
And the Necropolis mat – that is the most brutal mat ever seen around. Signs of Chaos rituals, broken plates and daemonic beasts underneath can’t keep you calm:)
We were so excited how the Necropolis project evolved, that we have setup cooperation with professional writer Alexander Simon, who helped us a lot to shape the story and he will be developing it further for us.
That brings us to an idea of making a photo-narrative campaign, most probably using Necromunda rules set. The campaign will tell a story of Necropolis based on inter-linked games played in our studio. We plan to use outstanding miniatures painted for us by Den of Imagination painting studio. Campaign will have very rich narrative story and we will use lot of vehicles and conversions with bespoked rules and missions to create really exceptional experience that you may all follow and enjoy. Possibly taking inspiration for your own games, or just enjoying the story and rich visuals.
Project Necropolis, a black site project long abandoned and better off forgotten. Unspoken of for decades, it was yet another instance of mankind’s reach exceeding its grasp as Imperial scientists tampered with the very foundations of the universe in an attempt to create planetary warp gates.
They succeeded.
Claw marks scarred into the plasteel walls of the abandoned hab-blocks and twisting, labyrinthine service tunnels tell a story of brief, violent struggle. Half-finished experiments still writhe in containment caskets abandoned in the streets, and the grav-trains still trundle along their lonely routes, carrying nothing but angry ghosts and grim reminders of the costs when mankind plays at godhood.
This lonely testament to the price of success threatens to divulge its secrets to the galaxy as a distress beacon is activated, and it is only a matter of time before curiosity brings traders and treasure seekers down to the surface. In a desperate bid to keep Necropolis and its secrets buried, kill teams are dispatched to terminate the signal, and retrieve the data ark at the heart of the facility.
But there are things stirring in the dark, and not all that is buried is truly dead.

That is where the video starts and beginning of the campaign would be shaped.
Last but not least – we are going to participate at Alliance GT event in Amsterdam. Warhammer 40k GT with 120 players and fantastic international player base. We are looking forward to meet the organization team, and many others, just mentioning bosses like Lawrence Baker and Tabletop Tactics or Mike Herbert from Hellstorm Wargaming. We cooperate with them online and this would be great opportunity to meet again or shake hands for a first time with them.
November plans we keep a bit secret yet – we can just tell we are working on a simple solution for tournament organizers in regards of a terrain needs:)