What Can I Buy?

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That’s a damn good question!

The Exiles product line is based on variations of three basic products: PersonasCampaigns, and Encounters.

Personas are the basic building blocks of an Exiles character. Every Persona represents a particular archetype, such as the Gunslinger, the Doctor, or the man-eating Wendigo. Choosing a Persona gives your character a set of starting attributes and a skill list that tells you what abilities your character can learn, and how much it costs to learn them.

A Persona Pack product gives you everything you need to play a character from a certain Persona.

MWG - Blog - Exiles - Exiles Products - Persona Pack - EverythingTogether

This here is a prototype, for picturin’ purposes. Lots of arts is still cookin’!

The product comes with:

  • Two pewter miniatures representing iconic characters from the Persona
  • Character and Sidekick cards for each
  • Skill cards with the rules for any unique special abilities
  • Item cards with which you can equip your characters
  • Wooden tokens that you can use to handle any bullshit during a game

All of it packed up nicely in a specially designed wooden box that you can use to carry around all your awesome stuff, with plenty of room for all the extra crap you pick up along the way!

A Campaign Set includes everything you need to play through a campaign featuring a bunch of new bad guys to kick the shit out of.

MWG - Blog - Exiles - Exiles Products - Overview - Campaign Box Contents

Marco is still sculpting Troy Hatcher and the Scarcely Gang, so just use your imagination. And imagine the proper tokens are in there…and that the Dime Novel is in there…Whatever, you’ll get about this much STUFF, plus a few special trinkets.

The product comes with:

  • A set of pewter miniatures representing the various bad guys featured in the campaign
  • Stat cards for all of these SOBs
  • Scenario cards describing any special rules you need for the campaign
  • A set of badass new item cards
  • A Plethora of wooden tokens to handle any special crap that happens in the campaign
  • A printed dime novel with rules and nifty, world-building stories

All this stuff is packaged up in a beautiful wooden box that we will lovingly fuck up to give it that real Exiles flavor.

MWG - Blog - Exiles - Exiles Products - Overview - CampaignAndPersona

You only get two kinds of boxes! Two. One for lots of stuff and one for not as much stuff.

Encounter Packs let you modify a Campaign. Each encounter pack features a new Boss that will change up the rules for a particular type of bad guy, or just something super cool you can add to a campaign, like the Crusty Whores, the Occupied Shithouse, or Ol’ Efrim, the legendary one-eyed grizzly! And of course you get a bunch of new scenario rules, sweet new items, a whole mess of tokens, and a nice wooden box to keep it all in.

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