Warzone Unit Spotlight: Attila Mk I Exterminateur
Spotlight: Attila Mk I Exterminateur
In the Lore:
The Exterminateur pattern walker has recently been encountered with more and more frequency. Standing at well over 12 feet tall, the machine has humanised proportions and bears a striking similarity to the earliest versions of the Cuirassier ‘Attila’.
One of the key reasons for the Exterminateur success is that it is not limited to one tactic, its programming and nature allows it to implement diverse and devastating protocols depending on its opposition’s tactics.
The simple, yet robust logarithm that drives the Exterminateur is counterintuitive to the human mind; not that surprising when one acknowledges that the design team behind the new walker was led by individuals themselves artificial in intelligence. The Cybertronic Corporation has made one of its major steps away from humanity: Artificial Intelligence is now, in a craven imitation of humankind, replicating, and effectively bearing, its own offspring.
On the Tabletop:
The Exterminateur is a beast of a light walker on the tabletop, armed with the nasty SSW4200P “Master Blaster” HMG, he is capable of mowing down whole units of Cybertronic’s enemies. Especially if he uses his Overcharge special skill that allows him to double his Rate of Fire!
He has really good armour combined with his Intelligent Alloy makes him extremely tough to bring down
He is also a force multiplier to his little brothers the Attila Mk III Cuirassier’s as he increases the radius of their Ultra Sonic Resonators making them much more nasty!
Finally if the Exterminateur gets surrounded he can use his Power Cell Discharge special skill, causing auto hits to all enemy models within 6 inches.
You can purchase the Exterminateur in the online shop: http://shop.prodosgames.com/en/cybertronic-light-vehicle/101-exterminateur-atilla-mki.html
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