Warzone Resurrection Unit Spotlight: Cybertronic Immortal

Unit Spotlight: Cybertronic Immortal


In the Lore:
An enigmatic individual, it is said that the Immortal is the power and brains behind the Cybertronic Megacorporation; if this is true is unclear, but what is certian is that he is a master of combat and is armed with cutting edge weaponry.
After stabilising his memory and sanity with new, improved microchip technology, the Immortal fights as a leader in many Warzones and is a respected Board Member of the megacorporation. Many years later he is only one of a few founding members of the corporation still in place. He played a key part in the orchestration of the famous ‘Ghost Collapse’, the crash of the stock exchange in 1103 Y.C. which saw the fifth megacorporation revealed publically for the first time. Now he is in charge of coordinating almost all of Cybertronic’s military engagements and oversees the two wings of the corporation’s research, namely cybernetic enhancement and biological cloning.

immortal 2

On the Tabletop:
The Immortal is the pinnacle of Cybertronic heroes, armed with the RB12-19 Plasma gun. This weapon has a RoF of 1, but don’t let that fool you it can transfer hits to up to 5 total targets in a unit.

His Passive: Immortal Repair Protocol: grants him Heal (2) but if he turns to burn one resource card it becomes Heal (5)

His Passive: Enhanced Unblinking Eye: Allows him to reroll any failed Ranged Skill test unless it was a Fumble (20)

The Passive: Electric Feedback Generator: Makes him dangerous to attack in Close Combat causing auto hits on models that cause a Wound Effect to him.

The Immortal’s Active: Mirage Generator Mk0 allows all models within 3 inches to gain a +3 to their Armour value.

Finally his Active: The Blink allows him to move anywhere within 12 inches ignoring terrain if you Turn to Burn one Resource card.

You can purchase the Immortal in the online shop: http://shop.prodosgames.com/en/cybertronic-heroes/64-immortal.html

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