Warzone Resurrection Unit Spotlight: Capitol Hero Big Bob Watts

Unit Spotlight: Capitol Hero Big Bob Watts


In the Lore:
Bob Watts is a cigar-smoking man-mountain armed with two underarm multibarrelled cannons which he handles with ease. The former free marine leads from the front blasting the enemies of the Capitol Megacorporation away with a wild abandonment.
Big Bob Watts is a sight for sore eyes. The silhouette of his massive cigar smoking forms a symbol of hope for his allies and terrifying reality for his enemies. He is renowned for his camaraderie with the common infantryman; a characteristic shared with precious few officers in the Capitol military. His destructive power is unmatched.

big-bob-watts 2

On the Tabletop:
Big Bob is a powerhouse of a Ranged Warlord, sporting his Atlas Megacannons with a range of 28 inches at strength 15 and rate of fire of 4. With its passive and active skills it is truly brutal to be on the receiving end of Bob’s firestorm. It always ignores light cover, and any Ranged skill tests of 1 or 2 are Critical Force 2.

The Active: the Chopper skill reduces all cover modifiers by -2, so makes him deadly against troops in the heaviest of cover.

His Active Tank Eater rounds increase the Atlas Megacannons Anti-vehicle Value and grants it the Rail weapons type, this is very handy when shooting at squads of light vehicles.

The Active Hail of Lead special skill allows him to spread his fire onto an entire enemy squad within 18 inches and automatically pins the squad.

Finally Bob’s Passive: Sergeant of the Free Marines Special Skill allows you to take 2 squads of Free Marines (usually a support choice) as troops with all the benefits that it grants them.

You can purchase Big Bob Watts in the online shop: http://shop.prodosgames.com/en/capitol-heroes/24-big-bob-watts.html

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