Warzone Resurrection Spotlight: Jakub’s armies
Army Spotlight:
Here are some fantastic in game shots from Jakub Novotný’s Warzone Resurrection collection. The attention to detail paid while painting these models is excellent, we are very proud to share them with you.
The Cybertronic Exterminateur in the Imperial trenchs.
The Scorpion supports the advance of the Cybertronic forces.
Imperial Blood Berets
Golden Lions pounce on the Exterminateur.
The Trenchers rally with support of the Greyhound LAV
Imperial Hurricane Walker enters the fray!
The Trenchers attempt to swarm the Exterminateur
Unlucky Trenchers meet the business end of the Cybertronic Scorpion!
For more information on Warzone Resurrection check out the Prodos Games website: http://prodosgames.com
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