Warzone Resurrection Army Spotlight: Burkhard’s Imperial’s


Today we’d like to share with you the fantastic work of Burkhard’s Imperial Ministry of War army. This is a very cool and large collection!

Imperial Group shot

Here are a few overall army shots of this great collection!

Imperial Group shot

Imperial Group shot

Ben Taylor, Trencher and Greyhound

Some close ups of Ben Taylor, the Trenchers and a Greyhound

Brigadier Rist, Guardiani Olblati, Imperial Officer

Close up of Brigadier Rist and officer and his Guadiani Oblati bodyguard.

Hurrcane Walkers with Gun Nests

Hurricane walkers with Trencher filled gun nests, these things are awesome in game!

Golden Lions

The Golden lions in their classic red color scheme!

Valkyries, Greyhound and Golden Lions

The army is supported by a unit of Brotherhood Valkyries!

We’d really like to thank Burkhard for sharing his great looking force with us!
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