Warpath Structured Playtest

The time has come to enter the home stretch for Warpath. The core rules are pretty much finalised now, but we still have the mammoth task of balancing and fine-tuning the army lists, and we can only do this with your help!

Firefight has also been made public, and although it’s a little earlier in its development, it still needs the same attention from the community to make it the game we all know it can be.


Every game that you play brings us a step closer to making this a truly fantastic and competitive game. You did it with Kings of War, now it’s the turn of sci-fi.

We have set up a new forum to collect all the feedback and we have put a schedule in place to monitor all of the playtesting and continually update the rules all the way up to the print date. Both the Mass Battle and Firefight variants of Warpath will have dedicated teams working in dedicated forums.

The schedule is as follows:

  • 1st March 2016 – Playtesting process begins
  • 14th March 2016 – First update is posted.
  • A new update and change log will be posted every two weeks on a Monday, and in between if necessary.
  • 16th May 2016 – Final update is posted and proofreading begins.
  • 30th May 2016 – Final amendments are made and the book will be sent to the printers.

The rules committee and the studio team will be working tirelessly on this over the next couple of months, so please put some proxy armies together, join in and help keep them busy!

You will find the new forums here:

Warpath Mass Battle

Read This First and latest rules update

Warpath Firefight

Read This First and latest rules update

If you are having trouble accessing the Mantic forums, it’s probably a “super cookie” that is remembering previous settings when the forums were hosted elsewhere. You should be able to clear this by following the appropriate instructions here for the manticforum.com domain.


What are you waiting for? Get out there and start playing games!  Comment with any questions below and please keep feedback to the forums.

The post Warpath Structured Playtest appeared first on Mantic Blog.