While the new armies got off to a late start, we’ve managed to (almost) achieve our standard monthly release cadence again since the initial release of the Storm Legion and Sea Raiders Starters. Now, we’re about to start making up some time over the next few weeks, so we want to get the word out about what’s coming up!
Next week, we expect to be shipping our international orders for the Storm Legion and Sea Raiders expansions. Our international orders ship roughly three weeks before the street date, which is the day retail stores are able to start selling them. That means the expansion boxes should be in stores by mid-May (we’ll have an exact date closer to release). We’re also expecting to start shipping the Winter Korps expansion a week or so later, which is when we start to really push forward toward getting back on track with our original release plan.
By the end of this week, production will start on the 80 mm solo models for Storm Legion, Sea Raiders, and the Winter Korps. These are some chonky models, so production timing is a bit of an unknown to us, but there are only three of them, so we’re hoping to continue accelerating during this production cycle.
After that, we’re going right into production on the Dusk House Kallyss Starter, and we anticipate shipping those to stores before the end of May.
If you are planning to add a Bison, Zephyr, or Siege Tarask to your army, let your FLGS know now! Do the same if you’ve been holding out for a Dusk army. These models are going to be in production imminently, and we want to ensure that everyone who is awaiting them gets them, but we’re currently producing to meet orders so that we can ship each wave as quickly as possible. Preordering with your retailer may make the difference between snagging these new releases and having to wait a few weeks for restock orders to come in.
So, pay your FLGS a visit soon, and let them know if you want to add one or more of those new releases to your collection! It’ll help your retailer’s planning, it helps our planning, and will ensure you’re not waiting any longer than necessary for these exciting new releases.
This has been a public service announcement of the Iron Kingdoms Defense Planning Commission. Thank you for your attention.
Convenient preorder form to take into your FLGS – click here
The post WARMACHINE MKIV PROGRESS REPORT—PRODUCTION appeared first on Privateer Press.