WARMACHINE MKIV Progress Report Dec 1, 2022
Whether it’s waiting as a child for Christmas morning or waiting as a business for goods to arrive that will allow orders to start shipping, the phenomenon that increases a perceived length of time in direct proportion to one’s anticipation of an event doesn’t get any less agonizing with age or experience. But one way to avoid the ordeal is to stay immersed in work, and we have a never-ending supply of that here! So, even as the wait continues, so does our progress on all things related to WARMACHINE MKIV.
This week, a sudden snowstorm did its best to delay our efforts, shutting down production for a day and knocking out power, which slowed development on the app. We had hoped to have the library functions and rules integrated into the WARMACHINE app this week, but we have had to push it off once again to next week after determining that some revisions of graphics would be required to function properly with the responsive display across the myriad of devices that will be running the app. Fortunately, in going through this revision, we’re future-proofing the rules for easier localization in other languages once we’re able to begin that process next year. We did manage to get out several new builds for the app over the past few days, though, so if you haven’t updated recently, be sure to do so.
Meanwhile, our first shipment from our manufacturing partner in the UK has shipped and is due to arrive on Monday. We’re staging packaging as well as online orders to be able to commence packing and shipping immediately upon the shipment’s arrival. International orders for House Kallyss preview battlegroups and international retail and distribution Army Starter orders will ship out first, as they have the longest travel time, and then we’ll crack into the domestic U.S. orders to get them out as quickly as possible. And while that’s going on, we’re already prepping production on the Winter Korps Core Army Starter with hopes of making up some time on our release schedule this month.
Our beta draft of the Steamroller 2023 was posted online yesterday. Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback on some omissions in the document. We’ll be updating this month and posting a final doc by the first of the year. It will also be the next document added to the WARMACHINE app library after the rules go live.
And, just ahead of November’s closing bell, the rules for the Thornfall Alliance Prime Legacy army went live in the app yesterday, so get ready to see some Farrow on the tabletop! To celebrate their arrival, we’ve added a new Thornfall Alliance bundle to our ongoing Black Friday+ sale in the Privateer Press Online Store, which you can check out here.
We’ll have more progress to report next week!
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