WARMACHINE APP Update September 13th
Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update for subscribers is the next Battle Forge, this time an exciting challenge to retrieve or protect “Enemy Intel” with some lively options for increasing that challenge.
Of special interest: this week, we’ve added the Khymaera Faction and the Shadowflame Shard army to the app! Our latest army launches with a battlegroup consisting of three brand-new spectacular models: the warlock Rassyk, Spawn of Shadows, and two heavy warbeasts, the Vypex and the Hydrix. Check them out here.
Also, this week’s app updates include:
- Asphyxious the Sanctified: This model now works for Cryx in Unlimited
- Captain Shadowtongue: Added
- Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters: This model now works for Circle, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador, and the Trollbloods in Unlimited.
- The Devil’s Shadow Mutineers: These models now work for Cryx in Unlimited
- Doctor Stygius: This model now works for Cryx in Unlimited
- Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios: This model now works for Cygnar, Khador, and the Protectorate in Unlimited
- Grand Scrutator Severius: Ashes to Ashes text clarified
- Gremlin Swarm: This model now works for the Circle, Legion, Skorne, and Trollbloods in Unlimited
- Hydrix: Added
- J.A.I.M.S.: This model now works for Crucible Guard, Cryx, Cygnar, Infernals, Khador, Protectorate, and Retribution in Unlimited
- Khymaera Faction: Added
- King of Nothing: Ashes to Ashes text clarified
- Kogan the Exile: This model now works for the Trollbloods in Unlimited
- Kommander Valerii Savaryn: Timing language added to feat
- Lord Arbiter Hexeris: Ashes to Ashes text clarified
- Marauder Trapper: Added
- Pyg Cannon Crew: Added
- Pyg Dirge: Added
- Rassyk, Spawn of Shadows: Added
- Shadowflame Shard: Army added
- Shrieker: Admonisher text clarified
- Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker: This model now works for Crucible Guard, Cygnar, and Khador in Unlimited
- Unlimited Cygnar: All models added
- Vessel of Judgment: Admonisher text clarified
- Vypex: Added
- Weird Wendell, Gremlin Wrangler: This model now works for the Crucible Guard, Cygnar, and Khador in Unlimited
- Zaal, The Ancestral Advocate: Soul Taker: Reclaim edited to interact with models that use focus
And that’s it for this week! Tune in next week when we publish our latest Heroes and Villains by Jason Soles, this time the famous (or infamous) Captain Firequill!
Until then, good luck with that intel!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE APP Update September 13th appeared first on Privateer Press.