WARMACHINE APP Update October 25th
Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
NEXT WEEK: On Tuesday, October 31 st , we’re going to release a new app version that has data optimizations to support some essential future features. At the same time, we’ll be releasing new data that will be incompatible with the existing app version. So, you won’t be able to use the new data at that time until you update your app. We don’t anticipate any actual downtime, just that you’ll need to get the latest version of the app before the released data will work.
This week’s updates for subscribers are the three scenarios in Black Tide: Season 3, Chapter 3—“The High Ground,” “A Difficult Crossing,” and “Firebreather,” as well as the next part of Dragonfall by Aeryn Rudel, delayed from last week!
And this week’s additions to the app are:
–Booty Boss: Added
–First Mate Hargor Stormjaw: Added
–Great Old One: Added
–Khador: All models added to Unlimited Arena
–Pyg Coxwain: Added
–Pyg Shockers: Added
–Skorne: All models added to Unlimited Arena
That covers it for this week! Tune in next week for the next chapter of Dragonfall as we race toward the conclusion!
Until then, may the black tides turn your way…
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE APP Update October 25th appeared first on Privateer Press.