WARMACHINE APP Update October 11
Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update for subscribers is the latest installment ofBattle Forge, this one called “None Shall Pass”!
Also, this week’s app updates include:
–Iron Lich Overseer: Added back to Unlimited Arena
–Madrak Ironhide, Champion of the Kriels: Added to Unlimited Arena
–Protectorate of Menoth: All models added to Unlimited Arena
–Runeshapers: Added back to Unlimited Arena
–Abidan the Keeper, Aelyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor, Exemplar Warder, Knights Exemplar Seneshal, Spears of Scyrah: All of these are the same change. Change text of Inhuman Resolve to: “When a friendly warrior model within 10″ of this model is destroyed by an enemy attack, after the attack is resolved this model can remove 1 damage point. When this model is disabled, it becomes knocked down instead of becoming boxed and its activation immediately ends. While this model is disabled, it cannot activate. If this model is disabled at the beginning of your Maintenance Phase, it is destroyed.”
–Snapjaw: Removed extraneous animosity
That covers it for this week! Tune in next week for our next installment of “Heroes and Villains”!
Until then…okay, you can pass, but not those players you’re with!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE APP Update October 11 appeared first on Privateer Press.