WARMACHINE APP Update June 28, 2023
It’s WARMACHINE Wednesday, time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update includes the next installment of the Black Tide 2—Season 2 scenarios in the subscriber library: “Salvage Fields” (scenario #4), “Derailed” (scenario #6), and ”Down Below” (scenario #6).
We’ve also corrected a handful of errors across a number of models (see below); as always, we’re keeping an eye out and an ear open for changes that need to be updated!
-Arcanist Mechanik: Stat typos fixed
-Cephalyx Agitator: Vitalizer typo fixed.
-Cephalyx Dominator & Steelhead Mortar Crew: Dominator’s damage boxes fixed
-Cephalyx Mind Slaver & Drudges: Mind Slaver weapon named fixed
-Cognifex Cyphon: Control Range 12
-Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios: Cost 4
-Fionna the Black: Soulfire typo fixed
-Hazaroth, Narcissar of Ruin: Escort reworked
-Kommander Valerii Savaryn: Escort reworked
-Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes: Cost standardized at 5
-Krueger The Stormseer: Bleed Power typo fixed
-Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight: Escort reworked
-Magnus the Warlord: Escort reworked
-Mortenebra, Numen of Necrogenesis: Updated the Unlimited version of Mortenebra, Numen of Necrogenesis to the current version; Goad typo fixed
-Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker: Spiritual Conduit typo fixed
-Thyron, Sword of Truth: 40mm base
-Trencher Master Gunner: Gain Dual Attack
-Void Seer Mordikaar: Hollow does not allow for Void Spirits to be created by friendly attacks
And that’s it for this week! Tune in next week for the latest installment of “Heroes and Villains”—this time focused on the Cygnaran warcaster Captain Madison Calder! Until then, happy Wednesday!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE APP Update June 28, 2023 appeared first on Privateer Press.