WARMACHINE APP Update June 14, 2023
It’s WARMACHINE Wednesday, and that means new updates in the WARMACHINE app, so grab your device, open your update, and read on…
For subscribers, you’ll see the latest installment of Heroes & Villains, featuring Sabbreth, the Eternal Annihilation! Learn all about what makes this Orgoth warcaster tick and discover the dark events in her past that have forged her into the living weapon of destruction she is today.
Today’s update also delivers a new Battle Forge scenario—“Salvage Operation”! Race your opponent to recover the most salvage submerged in swampy ponds across the battlefield. And watch out for that acid pool!
And last, subscribers will note that there is now a Campaign version of the new MKIV Character Warjacks available in the menu when creating or editing a force. Rules for spending War Chest points and Character Warjack progression can be found in the Black Tide Season 2—Chapter 1 article in the Library.
For those who are as excited about the forthcoming Windows and Mac support as we are, we have regretfully run into a delay. We have encountered some challenges with deploying to Steam that we don’t want to add to the release process on an ongoing basis. So, we are currently working on a different approach to distributing the desktop version, which we hope to have implemented soon, but this is likely to take another couple of weeks.
All right, your update should be complete now! Enjoy!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE APP Update June 14, 2023 appeared first on Privateer Press.