WARMACHINE App Update July 31
It’s WARMACHINE Wednesday, just two days early while we head to Gen Con! We wouldn’t leave you hanging, so we still have your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update includes two new articles for subscribers: the latest Compendium by Jason Soles debuts this week: the Brineblood Marauders get an amazing history drop, and then we have an impressive “One Shot” fiction piece, “Unstoppable,” which features an old-fashioned showdown that you’d never see coming.
We’ve also updated a handful of changes across a number of models (see below); as always, we’re keeping an eye out and an ear open for changes that need to be added!
Core Rule Fixes
- AOES: no longer proc off huge bases
- AD + Ambush: Reworded for clarity
- Colossal Damage: Clarification
- Monstrosity Run: Now free
Model Fixes
- Magnus 4: Fixed bug preventing his use in Unlimited
- Journeyman Warcasters: Fixed bug preventing these models from taking Collosals
- Lesser Warlocks: Fixed bug preventing these models from taking Gargantuans
List-Building Fixes
- Pitched Battle: Fixed bug preventing Collosals and Gargantuans from being usable at this point level
And that’s it for this week! Tune in next week (on Wednesday) for the next installment of “Heroes and Villains”! Until then, happy Gen Con week!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE App Update July 31 appeared first on Privateer Press.