Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update for subscribers the next installment of Emergence, giving you more insight into the Khymaera!
And then, here are this week’s additions and corrections to the app:
-Braghen Ragemonger: Added to Southern Kriels
-Nyxyan, the Stygian Coil: Added to Khymaera
-Ryvyn, The Onyx Rampant: Added to Khymaera
-Spinner: Added to Khymaera
-Talon Lashers: Added to Khymaera
-Wraithwing Paragon: Added to Khymaera
-Wyrmspine Cinderbacks: Added to Khymaera
-Beast Master Xekaar: Gains Sidestep
-Duck and Cover! Command Card: Combined Take Cover Command Card effects with Duck! Command Card effects
-Enigma Foundry: Typo corrected
-Hierophant: Gains AAT 6
-Initiates of the Wall: Add a line to Unbreakable Wall: “cannot be placed outside Normal Movement”
– Kishtaar, The Howling Silence: Pandemonium also affects damage rolls
-Master Gunner Dugal MacNaile: Artillerist lasts for one round
-Spears of Scyrah: Add a line to Unbreakable Wall: “cannot be placed outside Normal Movement”
-Steamroller 2024: Replaced references to zone with objectives
-Steamroller 2024: Invasion: Removed mention of a cache
-Steamroller 2024: Clarified lists must be taken from the same army
-Steamroller 2024: Better defined 20 mm as only being chosen its owner’s player
-Steamroller 2024: Better defined caches as benign 20 mm
-Stormblade Captain: Typo corrected
-Testament of Menoth: Change the text of Soul Phase to the following, “This model can spend a soul token at the beginning of your Control Phase to gain Incorporeal for one turn.”
-Trencher Master Gunner: Artillerist lasts for one round
-Trollkin Gunnery Sergeant: Artillerist lasts for one round
-Vulcar Forge Master: Defensive Measures lasts for one round
-Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan: Artillerist lasts for one round
That’s it for this week! Next week: Heroes and Villains returns (and she’s kind of a villain…)
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE APP UPDATE January 17, 2024 appeared first on Privateer Press.