by Jason Soles
With the new year comes our 2024 annual WARMACHINE rules update in which we look closely at the balance of all models and armies in the game. The development team has spent literally months debating and gathering feedback from players and playtesters all across the world. From that feedback, we whittled our observations and your suggestions down to roughly a half-dozen changes per army.
Throughout this process, we focused on strengthening models within an army where possible rather than primarily seeking to attain balance by reducing the effectiveness of over-performing models. Though it was necessary to rein in the effectiveness of some models, we did so with the softest touch possible.
In addition to our changes by army, we also cleaned up the core rules a little and added four new Command Cards that are described toward the end of this document.
Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year!
Devourer’s Host
One of our primary goals for this army in this update was to grant it easier access to corpse tokens. We accomplished this both with the addition of the Grave Robbing Command Card and with the changes we made to the Tharn Blood Shaman’s Blood Ritual special action.
Iona the Unseen
Changes: Time of the Beast affects all damage rolls, not just melee damage rolls.
Notes: We wanted to see Iona be better able to support all Tharn models, not just focused on melee combat.
Changes: Add to the army. Increase Bite POW to 15.
Notes: Loki is bonded to Tanith, so we are adding him to the army at the same time we are adding her. We also wanted to give him a slight increase to his melee damage output.
Rip Horn Satyr
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Tanith the Feral Song
Changes: Added to the army as a Scout warlock. Rites of the Wurm can reduce the Cost of animi used by a warbeast to 0. Replace Bleed with Veil of Mists.
Notes: We wanted to make Tanith a little stronger and give her some added defense on the tabletop in her new role as a Scout warlock.
Tharn Blood Shaman
Changes: Blood Ritual now grants either d3 corpse tokens or Divine Inspiration.
Notes: We wanted to add a way for Tharn models to get easier access to corpse tokens.
Tharn Ravager Chieftain
Changes: Point Cost 3.
Notes: We thought this model was slightly expensive for its impact on the game and reduced its point cost by 1.
Tharn Ravager Shaman
Changes: Replace Shepherd’s Call with Sky Shaker (which grants Warping Winds to this model). Increase damage boxes to 8 and Point Cost to 4.
Notes: We wanted to increase this army’s defenses against ranged combat and thought this would be a good place to do it. Shepherd’s Call was thought to be difficult to utilize on this model, so the change felt natural.
Secret Dominion
This army was generally considered well balanced by both our playtesters and our community. As a result, we were able to take a very light hand with the army, primarily adding new models, fixing typos, and making very minor tweaks to point costs and model efficiency.
Blackclad Wayfarer
Changes: Cost 3.
Notes: We decided that with Hunter’s Mark this model was costed too low for its influence on the tabletop.
Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver
Changes: The rock wall template placed by the Rock Wall spell is removed from the table if it is contacted by a model with an extra-large or huge-base.
Notes: The dev team determined this spell could be too effective in limiting the movement of extra-large and huge-based models. Rather than allow this spell to pen in the largest models of the game, we decided they would have the ability to remove rock wall templates.
Buldur the Stonecleaver
Changes: Added to the army as a Scout warlock.
Notes: We felt that Baldur was a solid and natural addition to this army.
Druid of Orboros Overseer
Changes: Gains Granted: Battle Wizard.
Notes: The dev team wanted this unit to get more use out of its melee attacks in concert with Divine Retribution.
Gorax Rager
Changes: Add to this army.
Notes: The dev team wanted to add the Gorax Rager to this army so that it could support the living warbeasts in the army.
Changes: Add to the army.
Notes: Megalith is bonded to Baldur, so we are adding it to army at the same time we are adding him.
Rip Horn Satyr
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Changes: Mannikin solos put in play as a result of Natural Summons must forfeit their Combat Action the turn they are put in play.
Notes: The dev team determined these solos were slightly too offensively powerful than intended. We removed the returning models’ Combat Action rather than increasing the point cost of these solos.
Stone Keeper
Changes: Earth Spikes ignores cover and concealment.
Notes: This standardizes the version of Earth Spikes possessed by the Stone Keeper with the version on Buldur the Stonecleaver’s card.
Wold Guardian
Changes: Increase Point Cost to 14.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that this model was slightly too effective at its old point cost and increased its cost by 1 rather than reducing its power level on the tabletop.
Changes: Weapons gain Damage Type: Magical.
Notes: The dev team determined that it was an oversight that these weapons did not already cause magical damage.
Convergence of Cyriss
The largest change we made to this Faction in this update was expanding the range of Force Induction from 6“ to 9“ in the core rules (see below). We also wanted to increase the RAT stats of some of the warcasters in the army for the sake of variation on the battlefield.
Aurum Lucanum Athanor Locke
Changes: Now a Scout warcaster.
Notes: With her strong battlegroup focus, Locke was a natural to become the Faction’s second Scout warcaster.
Axis, The Harmonic Enforcer
Changes: Change Field Marshal: Unstoppable to Field Marshal: Unyielding. RAT increased from 2 to 4.
Notes: The dev team determined that Field Marshal: Unyielding would be more valuable to Axis’ playstyle than Field Marshal: Unstoppable. He also had the lowest RAT in the Faction, which we increased to 4.
Eminent Configurator Orion
Changes: RAT increased from 5 to 6.
Notes: Orion is the most range-focused warcaster in the Faction, and we felt that could be better reflected if we increased his RAT stat.
Enigma Foundry
Changes: Change Reconstruction to Reinforcements [small or medium-based constructs]. Cut Soul Taker: Requiem. Add Empower. Decrease Repair [d3 +3] to Repair [d3 +1]. Decrease damage boxes to 8. Cost 3.
Notes: This model has struggled to find a role in MK IV. Taking this into account, the dev team moved to position the Enigma Foundry as a simpler to use and well-rounded general support model. We also wanted to open up the Galvanizer as the premier repairman in the Faction.
Changes: Increase Repair [d3 +1] to Repair [d3 +3].
Notes: With the Galvanizer more focused on repairs than the Enigma Foundry, we felt it needed to higher Repair ability.
Transfinite Emergence Projector
Changes: Gain Gunfighter.
Notes: The dev team felt that it was too easy to restrict the ranged targets of the TEP by engaging it. Gunfighter enables it to remain a more present threat on the tabletop.
Crucible Guard
The Crucible Guard was more affected by the changes between Mk III and MK IV than other armies, and as a result, we had a little more fine-tuning to do with them. Particularly, the Rocketmen felt a little too vulnerable to ranged attacks, so we took steps to protect them.
Aurum Lucanum Athanor Locke
Changes: Now a Scout warcaster.
Notes: With her strong battlegroup focus, Locke was a natural to become the Faction’s second Scout warcaster.
Containment Operatives
Changes: Cut Pathfinder and Prowl. Cost 6.
Notes: The Containment Operatives entered MK IV a little too far ahead of the curve. Their mobility, coupled with the strength of their ranged attacks, overshadowed other options within the Faction. We decided to keep the identity of the Combat Alchemists as the swiftly moving unit option while maintaining the firepower of the Containment Operatives.
Crucible Guard Rocketman Captain
Change: Gain Flying High.
Notes: We decided all the Rocketman models could use a little more defense against ranged combat.
Crucible Guard Rocketmen
Change: Gain Flying High.
Notes: We decided all the Rocketman models could use a little more defense against ranged combat.
Major Aline Bennet
Change: Gain Flying High.
Notes: We decided all the Rocketman models could use a little more defense against ranged combat.
Rocketman Ace
Change: Gain Flying High.
Notes: We decided all the Rocketman models could use a little more defense against ranged combat.
Rocketman Gunners
Change: Gain Flying High.
Notes: We decided all the Rocketman models could use a little more defense against ranged combat.
Rocketman Stinger
Change: Gain Flying High.
Notes: We decided all the Rocketman models could use a little more defense against ranged combat.
Changes: Psychoactive Gas is only triggers on the model direct hit.
Notes: As more warlock-controlled armies are added to Mk IV, it became increasingly clear that Psychoactive Gas was performing a little too well, and we wanted to reduce the number of models it had the potential to affect with each attack.
Changes: Chem Trail is only triggered on a direct hit.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that the new AOE rules made the Aqua Mortuum Rocket a bit too strong in MK IV and needed to be reined in a little.
This army had amongst the fewest changes in the whole update. Both our playtesters and the dev team agreed that the balance of this army was quite solid, and there was little we needed to do.
Blighted Trollkin Marauders
Changes: Reduce the range of Burning Flames from 2″ to 1″.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that this special rule was proving too dangerous to units so the dev team reduced its effectiveness.
Captain Aiakos
Changes: Increase RAT from 6 to 7.
Notes: His harpoon is at the center of his playstyle, so we thought it should be a little more reliable.
Dark Host
Dark Host was among the first Legacy armies that we introduced to Prime. As a result, the balance of the army was slightly more baseline than intended, and so we took some steps to spice it up. Some models gained new capabilities while others became cheaper points-wise.
Bane Riders
Changes: Gain Cleave.
Notes: The Bane Riders lost more in the transition from Mk III to MK IV than most cavalry units, and the dev team decided to restore some their punch back to them.
Bane Witch Agathia
Changes: Replace the text of Shadowfall with the following, “Models in Agathia’s battlegroup currently in her control range are affected by Ghost Walk. Additionally, you can place each Cohort model currently in Agathia’s control range anywhere completely within 3″ of its current location. Shadowfall lasts for one turn.”
Notes: The dev team both wanted to strengthen Agathia’s feat and focus it on her battlegroup to better fulfill her role as a Scout warcaster.
Darragh Wrathe
Changes: Necro-Scythe POW 14.
Notes: The dev team felt that Darragh Wrathe’s offensive capability was a little light and increased the POW of his Necro-Scythe from 13 to 14.
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Skarlock Thrall
Changes: Point Cost 2.
Notes: The dev team determined this solo was overcosted and reduced their cost accordingly.
Changes: Melee weapons gain Grievous Wounds.
Notes: The dev team decided the Stalker lost a little too much of its identity in the transition from Mk III to MK IV and decided to restore Grievous Wounds to this model.
The Withershadow Combine
Changes: Point Cost 6.
Notes: The dev team determined this unit was overcosted and reduced their cost accordingly.
First Army
The First Army was among the first of the Legacy armies we introduced to Prime. We learned a lot during that process, and it was determined that elements of this army had fallen behind, so we took this opportunity to punch them up a little. For example, we reconfigured its weapon attachments as standalone units, a change we pioneered with later Legacy armies.
Changes: Add to the army.
Notes: Ace is bonded to Caine, so we are adding it to the army at the same time we are adding him.
Captain E. Dominic Darius
Changes: Now a Scout warcaster. Jack Hammer is now Cost 2 and RNG Ctrl. Replace Refuge with Electrify. Pit Stop now only affects friendly Faction models. The range of the feat is increased to control range rather than, “while within 1″ of Darius or a Halfjack”. A model can only be moved by Crane once per turn.
Notes: We decided that Darius made a more intuitive choice for a Scout warcaster than Lieutenant Allister Caine. We also wanted to strengthen his feat but wanted to focus it on Faction models at the same time. The change of Refuge to Electrify was an attempt to increase his offensive capabilities and make his playstyle less defensive.
Lieutenant Allister Caine
Changes: Add to the First Army. AAT increased by 1 to 8.
Notes: Lieutenant Allister Caine is the fourth warcaster added to the First Army. We increased his AAT to 8 to reflect his gun mage ability to channel his spells through his pistols.
Changes: Gain Girded. Increase the ROF of the Chain Gun to d3 +1.
Notes: We wanted to refine the role of the Sentinel a little more while also increasing its offensive capabilities.
Changes: Cost 27
Notes: We decided the Stormwall was slightly underperforming next to the Hurricane and reduced its cost by 1 as a result.
Trencher Commando Officer
Changes: Increase FA to 4.
Notes: The intention is that you can add these models to your new Trencher Commando Scattergunner units.
Trencher Commando Scattergunners
Changes: Changed to an FA 2, three-model unit. Point Cost 6.
Notes: We decided these models would make a better unit than weapon attachments.
Trencher Infantry Rifle Grenadier
Changes: Changed to an FA 4, three-model unit. Change name to Trencher Grenadiers. Change the Rifle Grenade POW to 10/6. Remove the Smoke Bomb special action. Point Cost 5.
Notes: We decided these models would make a better unit than weapon attachments. This change, however, required us to slightly reduce their effectiveness and remove their capability to place smoke bombs. These changes in turn allowed us to keep the point cost of the new unit down.
Trencher Master Gunner
Changes: Artillerist becomes a special action that can target one model within 5″.
Notes: We determined that the Artillerist special rule in its current form was too strong, and so we took steps to reduce its impact.
Storm Knights
The balance of the Storm Knights felt pretty good overall, but there were a handful of outliers that either needed a slight improvement to stand out or were slightly too strong and required some minor tweaks.
Captain Allison Jakes
Changes: Added to the Storm Knights as a Scout warcaster. Change Bullet Dodger to Sidekick.
Notes: When we decided to add Jakes to the Storm Knights as a warcaster, we knew we wanted to increase her offensive capabilities a little while also refocusing her capabilities on her battlegroup. We believe the change of Bullet Dodger to Sidekick is a positive change in this direction.
General Adept Nemo
Changes: Gains the Resourceful special rule.
Notes: We knew we wanted to slightly increase the strength of this model, and with three upkeep spells on his card, we decided Nemo could make solid use of Resourceful.
Stormblade Captain
Changes: Gain Battle Plans with Desperate Pace: Stormblade [small-based].
Notes: We decided the slower (SPD 5) Stormblades could use a boost and wanted to see their threat range slightly extended.
Stormsmith Stormcaller
Changes: The Triangulation special rule no longer affects ROF.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that the Stormsmith Stormcallers were overwhelming for their point cost. Rather than substantially increasing their cost, we decided to reduce their number of attacks.
Changes: Cost 27
Notes: We decided the Stormwall was slightly underperforming next to the Hurricane and reduced its cost by 1 as a result.
Storm Legion
The Storm Knights were performing slightly better than intended. To address this, the dev team took a light touch to bring them back into alignment with the other Prime armies. Reducing the effectiveness of Jack Hammer, for example, enabled us to take a softer approach with the army’s warcaster.
Storm Legion Rack
Changes: Jack Hammer is now Cost 2 and RNG Ctrl.
Notes: The strength of this spell has had a warping effect on the melee output of the whole Faction, and we needed to recost the spell accordingly. At the same time, we also saw the opportunity for a slight ease of play improvement with the cost increase.
Arcane Mechaniks
Changes: Increase Point Cost by 1 to 5.
Notes: The Arcane Mechaniks were stronger than the support models in other units, and we raised their point cost by 1 to reflect this.
Captain Athena di Baro
Changes: Increase control range to 14. Withering Storm no longer affects the damage rolls of friendly models.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that Captain Athena di Baro was viewed as somewhat too strong and oppressive to play against. We removed the portion of her feat that affected damage to rein her in a little. This enabled us to expand her control range because the effectiveness of her feat is what required us to reduce it in the first place.
Captain Madison Calder
Changes: Change Watcher to Crusader’s Call.
Notes: We decided to both increase Calder’s effectiveness and open her up to affecting more of her army.
Tempest Thunderers
Changes: Reduce Point Cost by 1 to 9.
Notes: We received community feedback that the Tempest Thunderers were slightly overcosted and decided to reduce their point cost by 1.
Legionnaire Officer
Changes: Change Desperate Pace to March.
Notes: Desperate Pace was proving too strong due to the effectiveness of the Storm Legion units. We decided to address this with the change to March, which will still add to the maneuverability of the Storm Legion models while reducing their overall threat ranges.
House Kallyss
While the balance of the House Kallyss army on the whole felt good, there were a few outliers the dev team felt we needed to address. First, there was a sense that the Dread Guard lacked the table presence of most armies’ heavy infantry models and were too easy to remove from the table. We made some changes to make them more effective and added the damage boxes necessary for their vampiric health regeneration powers to function. We also increased the MAT of the Eidolon to bring it into alignment with the other new MK IV heavy warjacks.
Dread Guard Archers
Changes: RAT 7, Point Cost 9, and increase damage boxes to 8.
Notes: The dev team felt that with more damage boxes, this unit would be able to utilize its healing capabilities more easily and feel more like a heavy infantry unit. We also thought as House Kallyss’ premier ranged fighting unit they could use a slightly higher RAT. These changes came with a point cost increase.
Dread Guard Cavalry
Changes: Increase damage boxes to 8. Cost 12.
Notes: The dev team felt that with more damage boxes this unit would be able to utilize its healing capabilities more easily and feel more like a heavy cavalry unit. We also felt the unit was a little strong for its point cost and raised its points accordingly.
Dread Guard Slayers
Changes: Increase damage boxes to 8.
Notes: The dev team felt that with more damage boxes this unit would be able to utilize its healing capabilities more easily and feel more like a heavy infantry unit.
Changes: MAT 7
Notes: As House Kallyss’ main heavy warjack chassis, we felt it could use a bump to its MAT to make it more reliable in melee combat.
Changes: Replace the Power Field head with a Point Cost 1 Reposition 2″ head. Add the Aggressive special rule to the Fleet head. Change the POW of the Blaster Fist’s Blaster weapon to 10 and its ROF to 2. Add Critical Shadowbind to the Force Lash. Increase the POW of the Spear Fist’s Rune Spear Weapon to 11.
Notes: There were a number of changes we wanted to make to the Ghast to fine-tune its performance on the tabletop.
Scyrafael, Nis-Issyr of Desolations
Changes: Change the text of Iron Storm to:
“Enemy models that advance and end their movement in or are placed in Scyrafael’s control range and closer to her than they began suffer an unboostable POW 10 magical damage roll. Models that are damaged by the roll become knocked down. Models that are not damaged by the roll are pushed d3″ away from Scyrafael in the order you choose. Iron Storm lasts for one round.”
Notes: This changes adds clarity to her feat.
Seeker Warden
Changes: Change Spell Ward to Sacred Ward.
Notes: The dev team determined that Spell Ward was unnecessarily removing too much synergy within this army.
Soulless Blademasters
Changes: Change Spell Ward to Sacred Ward.
Notes: The dev team determined that Spell Ward was unnecessarily removing too much synergy within this army.
Void Shaper
Changes: RAT 7.
Notes: With much of its point cost tied up in its ranged attack, the dev team thought this model’s RAT could use a boost.
The dev team found the Grymkin to be relatively well balanced based on our evaluation of the fairly light community feedback, and so we only made a handful of changes to the outliers. We believe the new Grave Robbing Command Card will also be a solid boon to this Faction.
Note the Grymkin are one of the few Factions with only a single Scout warlock. The dev team felt that rather than dramatically change one of the existing warlocks to fill this role, we would just leave the Faction with one Scout option.
Death Knell
Changes: Point Cost 9.
Notes: We decided that the Death Knell was slightly underperforming for its point cost, and so we reduced its cost by 1.
Neigh Slayer War Horse
Changes: This model is not knocked down by Playing Dead.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that the Neigh Slayer War Horse was proving to be too reliable in delivering the Neigh Slayers into melee combat, and we wanted to increase the counter play against it.
Skin & Moans
Changes: Point Cost 12.
Notes: We decided that Skin & Moans was slightly underperforming for its point cost, and so we reduced its cost by 1.
Zevanna Agha, The Fate Keeper
Changes: Cut Vexing Alignment and Range Amplifier.
Notes: The community indicated that this model was proving too oppressive to play against, and so the dev team reduced the range of her effects to force Zevanna Agha to play closer to the action.
This is another Faction in which both the playtesters and dev team were relatively happy with the balance, which was supported by the community feedback we received, so we made few changes.
Note the Infernals are one of the few Factions with only a single Scout warlock. The dev team felt that rather than dramatically change one of the existing warlocks to fill this role, we would just leave the Faction with one Scout option.
Dark Sentinels
Changes: Each given 5 damage boxes.
Notes: We heard your popular feedback.
Griever Swarm
Changes: Increase FA to 4.
Notes: With as few options as are available to this Faction, the dev team did not see the need to restrict this unit to FA 2.
Guardian of Souls
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Infernal Gate
Changes: Increase the range of Soul Taker: Vortex of Souls to 15″. Reduce the Point Cost of this model to 10.
Notes: We felt this model was a little behind the curve following its transition from Mk III to MK IV and took steps to strengthen it accordingly.
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
5th Division
This army was viewed as being generally well-balanced with a lot of options available to it. As a result, we focused on fine-tuning the few outliers that the community brought to our attention. And even as a Scout warcaster, the Butcher of Khardov should bring some real punch to the 5th Division.
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Orsus Zoktavir, The Butcher of Khardov
Changes: Added to the army as a Scout warcaster. Cut Battle Lust and Iron Flesh. Gain Hyper Aggressive and Deceleration.
Notes: When we added the Butcher to this army as a Scout warcaster, we needed to make some changes so that he could better fill that role. Such changes mandate a focus on the warcaster’s battlegroup over other models in the army.
Changes: Added to the army.
Notes: Ruin is bonded to the Butcher, so we are adding it to the army at the same time we are adding him.
Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan
Changes: Artillerist becomes a special action that can target one model within 5″.
Notes: We determined that the Artillerist special rule in its current form was too strong and took steps to reduce its impact.
Winter Guard Infantry
Changes: Cut Dual Attack. Add Combined Arms. Point Cost 4.
Notes: The dev team determined this unit was underperforming for its point cost and made some changes to make them as inexpensive an infantry option as possible.
Winter Guard Rocketeers
Changes: Point Cost 6.
Notes: The Winter Guard Rocketeers were proving to be slightly too strong for their point cost.
Armored Korps
The Armored Korps was among the first Legacy armies that were added to the Prime Arena and as a result, it lacked a little bit of the polish that we were able to put on the armies that came later. We made a number of quality-of-life changes below to help the Armored Korps meet its full potential.
Black Ivan
Changes: Gain Pathfinder. Point Cost 14.
Notes: We felt that Black Ivan was a little below the curve for its point cost and made some slight changes to increase its effectiveness on the tabletop.
Karchev the Terrible
Changes: Added to the army as a Scout warcaster.
Notes: With his strong battlegroup focus, Karchev was a natural to become the army’s second Scout warcaster.
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Kommander Harkevich, The Iron Wolf
Changes: Cut Iron Sentinel. Replace Mobility with Escort.
Notes: The change to Escort, an upkeep spell, gives him more focus to vary his playstyle from turn to turn.
Man-O-War Assault Chariot
Changes: Gain Smoke Launchers.
Notes: It felt like an oversight that this model did not already have this special rule.
Man-O-War Bombardier Officer
Changes: Point Cost 3.
Notes: We thought this model was slightly expensive for its impact on the game and reduced its point cost by 1.
Man-O-War Kovnik
Changes: Change Desperate Pace to a Battle Plan.
Notes: With Desperate Pace changed to a Battle Plan instead of a special action, the Kovnik will be better able to keep up with the rest of the army.
Winter Korps
Though a strong army overall, the community has been vocal with the opinion that some options in the Winter Korps lineup overshadowed others. With these changes, the dev team has sought to bring those underutilized models to the fore in hopes of seeing more of them on the tabletop.
Winter Korps Rack
Changes: Puissance becomes target model/unit.
Notes: This will open up this spell to support whole units rather than single models.
Dire Wolf
Changes: Evasive head Cost 1. Flame Fist is Cost 4 and the Flamethrower becomes RNG Sp 6.
Notes: We made a couple of changes fine-tune the performance of the Dire Wolf on the tabletop.
Kommander Valerii Savaryn
Changes: The rock wall template placed by the Rock Wall spell is removed from the table if it is contacted by a model with an extra-large or huge-base.
Notes: The dev team determined this spell could be too effective in limiting the movement of extra-large and huge-based models. Rather than allow this spell to pen in the largest models of the game, we decided they would have the ability to remove rock wall templates.
Changes: Add “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Mortar Team
Changes: RAT 6.
Notes: This model was underperforming against other options in the army.
Shock Trooper Gunners
Changes: Decrease RNG to Sp 8, increase ROF to 2, and add Both Barrels. Cut Dual Shot.
Notes: The dev team made an effort to give these models a unique place in the army.
Winter Korp Infantry
Changes: Increase the SPD of all models to 6. Removed Encumbered from all models. Point Cost 6.
Notes: This unit was underperforming for its point cost.
Winter Korp Officer
Changes: Point Cost 2.
Notes: This model was underperforming for its point cost.
Legion of Everblight
Dragons Host
The Dragon’s Host was another army that was generally viewed as being well balanced, and as a result, we made fewer changes to its models than we have with other armies. The Banshees in particular felt like they had lost a little more than intended with the change to MK IV, so we took the opportunity to punch them up a little.
Grotesque Banshees
Changes: DEF 13 and gain Annoyance.
Notes: The Grotesques were underperforming and needed a bump up.
Grotesque Raiders
Changes: DEF 13 and gain Annoyance.
Notes: The Grotesques were underperforming and needed a bump up.
Kallus, Devastation of Everblight
Changes: Change Overrun to Warpath.
Notes: This change removes the extreme threat ranges from the army that are possible with Overrun while offering Kallus more versatility with his fury points.
Changes: Added to the army.
Notes: Proteus is bonded to Absylonia, so we are adding it to the army.
Ravens of War
While relatively well balanced, this army had a few outliers that were widely viewed by the community as over-performing, so we took a few limited steps to rein them in. We also wanted to move Kryssa toward the role of a skilled troop commander for the army.
Changes: Point Cost 16.
Notes: Azreal was performing slightly too well for his point cost, so we increased it by 1.
Blighted Nyss Raptors
Changes: Point Cost 10.
Notes: The Blighted Nyss Raptors were performing slightly too well for their point cost, so we increased it by 1.
Kryssa, Conviction of Everblight
Changes: Cut Defensive Formation and Elite Cadre [Blighted Nyss Legionnaires]. Add Unyielding and the At All Costs, Precision Strike, and Special Orders Battle Plans.
Notes: We saw room to make Kryssa a more interesting troop commander and took it.
Vayl, Disciple of Everblight
Changes: Cut Tether.
Notes: Vayl’s capabilities and movement tricks, when stacked with other options in the army, were becoming oppressive, so we decided to dial back her threat range slightly.
Koldun Lord Damien Korovnik
Changes: Add to Mercenary Attachment, “This model is considered to be the same Faction as its Leader.”
Notes: This enables the mercenary model greater access to the spells it casts via Spell Slave.
Madame Moriarty
Changes: Add to Mercenary Attachment, “This model is considered to be the same Faction as its Leader.”
Notes: This enables the mercenary model greater access to the spells it casts via Spell Slave.
Maulgreth, The Charnel Plague
Changes: Replace Grievous Wounds with Entropic Force.
Notes: We wanted to see this model with slightly more presence on the tabletop and believe this change achieves that.
Blindwater Congregation
The Blindwater Congregation is a large army with a lot of moving parts. Despite its size, however, the balance of the army generally felt good. In this update, we focused on lifting up the outliers in hopes of getting all options on the tabletop.
Bog Trog Ambushers
Changes: Point Cost 6.
Notes: The Bog Trog Ambushers were slightly underperforming, so we decreased their point cost by 1.
Calaban, The Grave Walker
Changes: Add War Weaver.
Notes: We wanted to add a little more maneuverability to Calaban’s spellslinging playstyle.
Croak Raiders
Changes: Cut Gang. Gain Prowl. Point Cost 7.
Notes: We decided to cut Gang to focus on the ranged capabilities of this unit. Prowl gives them some defense against counter attack.
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers
Changes: Point Cost 5.
Notes: The Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers were slightly underperforming, so we decreased their point cost by 1.
Dark Operations
Dark Operations is a relatively small army with a lot of power packed into it. As a result, our view on the balance of the army has continued to evolve since its release as we receive more and more feedback from the community. With this update, we have taken the opportunity to make slight tweaks to improve overall balance in accordance with that feedback.
Cephalyx Dominator & Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps
Changes: Point Cost 6.
Notes: The Cephalyx Dominator & Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps were slightly underperforming, so we decreased their point cost by 1.
Cephalyx Dominator & Ogrun Assault Corps
Changes: Cut Combined Melee Attack and Combined Ranged Attack. RAT 6. Increase the POW of the Battlecannon 14/8. Cost 10.
Notes: The Ogrun Assault Corps was falling behind the heavy ranged infantry of the other armies, so we increased their effectiveness. This came with a slight point cost increase.
Cephalyx Dominator & Steelhead Volley Gun Crew
Changes: Increase the POW of the Volley Gun to 13.
Notes: The dev team felt the Volley Gun was slipping behind other options in this army.
Iron Lich Asphyxious
Changes: Gain Dark Rituals.
Notes: As a Scout warcaster in the Cephalyx army, we felt we wanted a way for Asphyxious to channel spells. Note we will not be adding Cankerworm to this army, and Asphyxious will be limited to controlling monstrosities.
Changes: Point Cost 10.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that the Subduer was performing slightly too well for its point cost, so we increased it by 1.
Changes: Point Cost 9.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that the Warden was performing slightly too well for its point cost so we increased it by 1.
Changes: Point Cost 12.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that the Wrecker was performing slightly too well for its point cost, so we increased it by 1.
Rhul Guard
While a well-balanced army with some solid options, the Rhul Guard felt like it lacked some of the polish of the other Legacy armies. Community feedback pointed us to a number of places that could use some improvement, and we took the opportunity to do so.
Durgen Madhammer
Changes: Increase AAT and MAT to 7. Add Leadership [Rhulic trooper], which grants Hit the Deck. Gain Inhospitable Ground.
Notes: Madhammer was found to be underperforming, and the dev team sought to reinvigorate his playstyle.
Gorten Grundback
Changes: The rock wall template placed by the Rock Wall spell is removed from the table if it is contacted by a model with an extra-large or huge-base.
Notes: The dev team determined this spell could be too effective in limiting the movement of extra-large and huge-based models. Rather than allow this spell to pen in the largest models of the game, we decided they would have the ability to remove rock wall templates.
Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps
Changes: Point Cost 5.
Notes: The Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps were slightly underperforming, so we decreased their point cost by 1.
Hammerfall High Shield Officer & Standard
Changes: Point Cost 2.
Notes: The Hammerfall High Shield Officer & Standard were slightly underperforming, so we decreased their point cost by 1.
Harlow Holdemhigh
Changes: Point Cost 4.
Notes: Harlow Holdemhigh was slightly underperforming, so we decreased his point cost by 1.
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Ogrun Assault Corps
Changes: Cut Combined Melee Attack and Combined Ranged Attack. RAT 6. Increase the POW of the Battlecannon 14/8. Cost 9.
Notes: The Ogrun Assault Corps was falling behind the heavy ranged infantry of the other armies so we increased their effectiveness. This came with a slight point cost increase.
Soldiers of Fortune
While the balance of this army generally felt good, there were also some outliers the dev team felt needed to be addressed. The community was particularly vocal about the potential for chaining Crane to move the same model repeatedly, a rules interaction we have addressed here.
Ashlynn d’Elyse
Changes: Added to the army as a Scout warcaster. Replace Veteran Leader [Llaelese] with Field Marshal: Riposte and DEF +1.
Notes: We reworked Ashlynn to work as the second Scout warcaster in this army.
Drake MacBain
Changes: Gain Resourceful. True Grit also adds +2 ARM to affected models. Jack Hammer is now Cost 2 and RNG Ctrl.
Notes: MacBain was feeling a little outclassed by other options in this army, so we reworked him a little.
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Lieutenant Crosse, Resistance Fighter
Changes: Remove Crosse from this army.
Notes: After some additional thought, the playtesters and dev team felt that Ashlynn d’Elyse was a better fit for this army than Crosse.
Steelhead Ironhead
Changes: A model can only be moved by Crane once per turn.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that Crane was proving too strong when multiple Ironheads could use Crane to move the same model repeatedly.
Steelhead Volley Gun Crew
Changes: Increase the POW of the Volley Gun to 13.
Notes: The dev team felt the Volley Gun was slipping behind other options in this army.
Talion Charter
The Talion Charter is a complex army heavy with synergistic solos and other models designed to interact with one another. While the balance of this army was generally considered good, there were a few outliers that needed to be addressed.
Bloody Bradigan
Changes: Add Stumbling Drunk and Righteous Vengeance.
Notes: As the premier melee fighting solo in the army, we felt we could push Bradigan a little further.
The Devil’s Shadow Mutineers
Changes: Zira gains a Pistol Whip melee weapon with RNG 1 and POW 6. Also gains Dual Attack.
Notes: This will enable Zira to make charges.
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Master Gunner Dugal MacNaile
Changes: Artillerist becomes a special action that can target one model within 5″.
Notes: We determined that the Artillerist special rule in its current form was too strong and took steps to reduce its impact.
Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster
Changes: Gain a Pistol Whip melee weapon with RNG 1 and POW 6. Also gains Dual Attack.
Notes: This will enable Mr. Walls to make charges.
Powder Monkey
Changes: Point Cost 2.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that the Powder Monkey was performing too well for its point cost, so we increased it by 1.
Changes: Point Cost 9.
Notes: The Scallywag was performing too well for its point cost, so we increased its point cost. Honestly, the old cost was a typo.
Thornfall Alliance
In retrospect, the Thornfall Alliance has felt like it adhered slightly too closely to its previous Mk III incarnation since its MK IV debut. Since that time, the dev team has come to recognize some missed opportunities we would like to embrace at this time.
Dr. Arkadius
Changes: Now a Scout warcaster.
Notes: With his focus on the battlegroup, Dr. Arkadius makes an excellent Scout warcaster.
Efaarit Scouts
Changes: Gain Shooting Gallery.
Notes: The Efaarit Scouts seemed a little underwhelming for their point cost, so we added Shooting Gallery to give them a little more punch at the risk of getting closer to the enemy.
Farrow Bonegrinders
Changes: Add Condition and Heal. Cut Craft Talisman. Cost 4.
Notes: The Bone Grinders felt better suited to an army-wide support unit rather than being focused on the warlock.
Changes: Replace Death March with Avenging Force. Add Blood Trade.
Notes: Avenging Force felt like it suited Midas’ playstyle better with its focus on warbeasts over trooper models.
Changes: AAT 6. Gain Magic Ability. Ancillary Attack becomes a Magic Ability special rule. Gain Craft Talisman and Spell Slave. Cut Medicate and Shepherd’s Call.
Notes: As an Attached model, Targ felt better in the role of warlock support, which enabled us to repurpose the Farrow Bonegrinders as more general support.
Viktor Pendrake
Changes: Cut Condition. Gain Battle Plan with the following special rules: Beast Lore, March, and Sneak.
Notes: Pendrake was feeling a little outclassed in MK IV. This should give him a clear place in the army.
Sea Raiders
Though well balanced and possessing some real strengths, the Sea Raiders were one of the first armies we playtested for MK IV and as a result lacked some of the polish of later armies. Listening to the community, the dev team is now taking the opportunity to remedy some of these lingering concerns.
Changes: Increase the Point Cost of the Arc Node head to 2.
Notes: The previous point cost was a mistake. This brings the point cost of the Arc Node head into alignment with the other armies’ warjacks.
Kishtaar, The Howling Silence
Changes: Both the Death Whisperer and Blade Strike are x 2. Remove Reload. Add Pathfinder and Prowl. Increase CRTL to 12. Feat now adds one dice and drops the lowest but also grants Reposition [3″] to her battlegroup.
Notes: We sought to open up Kishtaar’s playstyle to make it more interesting while also reducing the sheer assassination potential of her feat.
Reaver Skirmishers
Changes: Gain Blessed and Prowl.
Notes: The Reaver Skirmishers were slightly underwhelming for their point cost.
Sabbreth, The Eternal Annihilation
Changes: A model moving as a result of Perdition now advances 5″ directly toward the enemy model instead of making a full advance.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that Perdition was too powerful in its previous incarnation, and the dev team has sought to dial it in.
Siege Tarask
Changes: SPD 6, RAT 6.
Notes: The Siege Tarask was slightly underperforming for its point cost.
Changes: Increase the Point Cost of the Hunter head to 3. Increase the POW of the melee Harpoon weapon to 14. Reduce the POW of the Quad Bolt Thrower to 12.
Notes: The Tyrant required some fine-tuning for the sake of balancing its weapon options to keep them all viable.
Ulkor Barragers
Changes: SPD 6, Point Cost 9.
Notes: The Barragers were slightly underperforming at their point cost.
Protectorate of Menoth
Final Interdiction
The Final Interdiction is a large army with a lot of options. It was also among the first Legacy armies released for MK IV. As a result, we were able to address some outliers in its roster while making some quality improvements to the army.
Blessing of Vengeance
Changes: Point Cost 11.
Notes: The Blessing of Vengeance was underperforming for its point cost, so we decreased it by 1.
Choir of Menoth
Changes: Increase the RNG of all Hymns to RNG 5.
Notes: With the changes to unit movement in MK IV, the Choir had become increasingly hard to use. Adding some extra range should help add to their utility.
Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard
Changes: Point Cost 3.
Notes: The Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard were underperforming for its point cost, so we decreased it by 1.
Fire of Salvation
Changes: Point Cost 13.
Notes: The Fire of Salvation was performing slightly too well for its point cost, so we increased it by 1.
High Exemplar Cyrenia
Changes: The rock wall template placed by the Rock Wall spell is removed from the table if it is contacted by a model with an extra-large or huge-base.
Notes: The dev team determined this spell could be too effective in limiting the movement of extra-large and huge-based models. Rather than allow this spell to pen in the largest models of the game, we decided they would have the ability to remove rock wall templates.
Changes: Point Cost 28.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that the Judicator was underperforming for its point cost next to the Revelator, so we decreased it by 2.
Changes: Point Cost 8.
Notes: The Revenger was underperforming for its point cost, so we decreased it by 1.
Servath Reznik, Wrath of Ages
Changes: ARM 19
Notes: Reznik lost some survivability in the change from Mk III to MK IV. This should make him a somewhat tougher target.
Temple Guardians
In speaking to the community, we determined that the balance of this army was generally thought to be good. A few outliers needing to be addressed, so we took a lighter hand with this army and limited our changes to a few quality-of-life improvements.
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Changes: Add to this army.
Notes: With the addition of High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza, adding these guys to the army felt natural.
Choir of Menoth
Changes: Increase the RNG of all Hymns to RNG 5.
Notes: With the changes to unit movement in MK, IV the Choir had become increasingly hard to use. Adding some extra range should help add to their utility.
High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza
Changes: Added to the army as a Scout warcaster.
Notes: With his focus on the battlegroup, Amon makes an excellent Scout warcaster.
Changes: Point Cost 28.
Notes: The Judicator was underperforming for its point cost next to the Revelator, so we decreased it by 2.
Pyrrhus, Flameguard Hero
Changes: Cut Leadership [Temple Flameguard]. Gain the following Battle Plans: Fight to the Last, Precision Strike, and Stir the Blood.
Notes: We were looking to get more support for the army out of Pyrrhus.
Changes: Point Cost 8.
Notes: The Revenger was underperforming for its point cost, so we decreased it by 1.
Retribution of Scyrah
Legions of Dawn
The Legions of Dawn gained a little more from the change from Mk III to MK IV than other armies. While this translated to models that were too strong in some places, in others it revealed models that needed a hand up. The community was quite vocal about these outliers, and the dev team heard you. The following changes are aimed at addressing your concerns.
Dawnguard Dester Thane
Changes: Gain Tough and Leadership [Dawnguard Destors], which grants Tough.
Notes: The dev team wanted to see a rule supporting the Destors added back to this model.
Dawnguard Sentinel Scyir
Changes: Deathly Strike only applies to melee weapons.
Notes: Being able to grant Grievous Wounds to the ranged weapons of any warrior model/unit in the army proved to be too strong.
Changes: Point Cost 29. Remove 4 damage boxes.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that with the addition of the Generator special rule, this model has proven to be too strong at its old point cost.
Changes: Add to the army.
Notes: Hypnos is bonded to Ossyan, so we are adding it to the army at the same time we are adding him.
Changes: Increase the POW of Force Fists to 16. Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: We decided this model was slightly underperforming for its point cost. The Chain Attack: Grab & Smash corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Changes: Point Cost 28. Remove 4 damage boxes.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that with the addition of the Generator special rule, this model has proven to be too strong at its old point cost.
Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn
Changes: Reduce the POW of Blinding Light to 10. Remove the reference to “magic attack”.
Notes: Blinding Light at POW 12 was proving too powerful on Issyria.
Lord Arcanist Ossyan
Changes: Added to the army as a Scout warcaster. Replace Fortune with Foresight.
Notes: We reworked Ossyan to work as the second Scout warcaster in this army.
Lord Ghyrrshyld, the Forgiven
Changes: Remove Ghyrrshyld from this army.
Notes: After some additional thought, the playtesters and dev team felt that Lord Arcanist Ossyan was a better fit for this army than Ghyrrshyld.
Shadows of the Retribution
While the balance of the Shadows of Retribution army felt pretty solid, there were a few outliers we took the opportunity to address. Particularly the Spears of Scyrah proved confounding to many, and we have taken steps to simplify their rules.
House Ellowuyr Swordsmen
Changes: Remove Gang. Increase the POW of the Great Sword to 13.
Notes: Gang was slightly too strong on this unit, so we removed it and increased their POW for the sake of balance.
Kaelyssa, The Night’s Whisper
Changes: Now a Scout warcaster. Replace Sure Foot to Sidekick. Gain Resourceful.
Notes: We reworked Kaelyssa to work as the second Scout warcaster in this army.
Soulless Void Tracer
Changes: Point Cost 2.
Notes: The Soulless Void Tracer was performing slightly too well for its point cost, so we increased it by 1.
Spears of Scyrah
Changes: Cut Inhuman Resolve and Shield Wall. Add Unbreakable Wall.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that the Spears of Scyrah were both too strong and too confusing, so we simplified them and dialed back their capabilities a little.
Thyron, Sword of Truth
Changes: Blades of Vengeance now grants Thyron and friendly Faction models beginning an activation in his control range +2 SPD. Additionally, while in Thyron’s control range, friendly models gain Duelist.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that Thyron’s feat was oppressive to play against, so we dialed back effectiveness a little.
Army of the Western Reaches
The Army of the Western Reaches is a large army with a lot of moving parts. While the balance of the army is generally considered to be good, there were also a lot of places the community pointed out for potential improvement. We tried to address a number of these with a light touch.
Bronzeback Titan
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Cataphract Arcuraii
Changes: Gain 3 damage boxes. Cost 9.
Notes: We got a lot of feedback informing us that the Cataphracts needed more damage boxes to fulfill their role as heavy infantry. We bumped them up to the 8 damage boxes and added a point to their cost.
Cataphract Cetrati
Changes: Gain 3 damage boxes. Cost 8.
Notes: We got a lot of feedback informing us that the Cataphracts needed more damage boxes to fulfill their role as heavy infantry. We bumped them up to the 8 damage boxes and added a point to their cost.
Cataphract Incindiarii
Changes: Gain 3 damage boxes. Cost 9.
Notes: We got a lot of feedback informing us that the Cataphracts needed more damage boxes to fulfill their role as heavy infantry. We bumped them up to the 8 damage boxes and added a point to their cost.
Primus Jalaam
Changes: Gain Reload [1].
Notes: We were looking to make Jalaam’s ranged combat game more pertinent on the battlefield.
Changes: Gain 2 damage boxes. Cost 17.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that Tiberion felt slightly overcosted, so we reduced his point cost by 1. We also wanted to add a little more health to the titans to make them feel like a better value for their price.
Titan Cannoneer
Changes: Gain 2 damage boxes.
Notes: We wanted to add a little more health to the titans to make them feel like a better value for their price.
Titan Gladiator
Changes: Gain 2 damage boxes.
Notes: We wanted to add a little more health to the titans to make them feel like a better value for their price.
Titan Sentry
Changes: Gain 2 damage boxes.
Notes: We wanted to add a little more health to the titans to make them feel like a better value for their price.
The Exalted is a relatively small and narrowly focused army. While its balance felt good and there were few outliers, the community pointed us toward places for improvement.
Changes: The Agonizer is a Titan.
Notes: This was left off as an oversight and allows for interaction with the Bronzeback Titan’s Leadership special rule.
Beast Master Xekaar
Changes: Added to the army. AAT 7, ARM 15. Cut Enrage. Add Silence of Death.
Notes: With his strong battlegroup focus, Xekaar was a natural to become the army’s second Scout warcaster. Xekaar’s other changes were aimed at making his playstyle more interesting on the battlefield.
Bronzeback Titan
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Changes: Add to the army.
Notes: Chiron is bonded to Xekaar, so we are adding it to the army at the same time we are adding him.
Supreme Guardian
Changes: Point Cost 16.
Notes: The Supreme Guardian was performing slightly too well for its point cost, so we increased it by 1.
Titan Cannoneer
Changes: Gain 2 damage boxes.
Notes: We wanted to add a little more health to the titans to make them feel like a better value for their price.
Titan Gladiator
Changes: Gain 2 damage boxes.
Notes: We wanted to add a little more health to the titans to make them feel like a better value for their price.
Titan Sentry
Changes: Gain 2 damage boxes.
Notes: We wanted to add a little more health to the titans to make them feel like a better value for their price.
Southern Kriels
Brineblood Marauders
The Brineblood Marauders were released at the end of last summer after some intensive playtesting. At this time, they feel well balanced, and we believe they are generally performing as intended. At the same time, the community has pointed us toward a few places for improvement.
Brineblood Marauders Rack
Changes: A model moving as a result of Perdition now advances 5″ directly toward the enemy model instead of making a full advance.
Notes: Community feedback indicated that Perdition was too powerful in its previous incarnation, and the dev team has sought to dial it in.
Marauder Crew Quartermaster
Changes: Cut Granted: Dual Shot and Granted: Grenades. Add Powder Stores.
Notes: We were not happy with the balance of this model or its style of play, so we made some changes to bring back the utility from it that we preferred in playtesting.
Pyg Dirge
Changes: Increase Propelled [8] to Propelled [10].
Notes: We wanted to give the Pyg Dirge a little more maneuverability.
Storm of the North
The Storm of the North is generally regarded as a strong and well-balanced army. As a result, we limited our changes here to a few quality-of-life improvements for the army.
Dire Troll Mauler
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Grim Angus
Changes: Added to the army.
Notes: Grim Angus felt like a natural to add a Scout warlock.
Ice Troll
Changes: RAT 6.
Notes: We wanted to bump up this model’s RAT to make it feel like a better value for its price.
Winter Troll
Changes: MAT 6.
Notes: We wanted to bump up this model’s MAT to make it feel like a better value for its price.
United Kriels
The United Kriels is a larger army with a lot of options packed into it. While overall, the balance of the army feels good, there were a number of outliers that the community brought to our attention that needed a second look. The dev team also took the opportunity to rework Jarl Skuld for MK IV when it was determined that he would be added to the army.
Dire Troll Mauler
Changes: Add, “…even if it charged that activation” to the last sentence of Chain Attack: Grab & Smash.
Notes: Corrects an unintentional rules interaction.
Dozer & Smigg
Changes: RAT 5. Point Cost 14.
Notes: The dev team both sought to both reduce the ranged accuracy of this model and bring its point cost down slightly.
Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller
Changes: Change Fell Chorus to, “Grissel can use her Battle Plans three times this activation. Additionally, Desperate Pace, Money Shot, and Tenacity become RNG 12 this activation.”
Notes: The dev team wanted to see more flexibility and ease of use from Grissel’s feat.
Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood
Changes: Added to the army as a Scout warlock. Replace Magic Bullet with Vanish. Add Attack Types to his Rune Pistols with the following options: Black Penny, Heart Seeker, and Ricochet.
Notes: With his strong battlegroup focus, Skuld was a natural to become the army’s second Scout warcaster. We also took the opportunity to turn him into the gun mage we always intended him to be.
Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer
Changes: Officer’s MAT reduced to 7.
Notes: These models were feeling slightly too strong for their point cost, especially with Gang granted by the Command Attachment.
Trollkin Fennblades
Changes: MAT 6.
Notes: These models were feeling slightly too strong for their point cost, especially with Gang granted by the Command Attachment.
Trollkin Gunnery Sergeant
Changes: Artillerist becomes a special action that can target one model within 5″.
Notes: We determined that the Artillerist special rule in its current form was too strong and took steps to reduce its impact.
Changes: Point Cost 6.
Notes: The Scattergunners were underperforming for their point cost, so we decreased it by 1.
Changes: Reduce ARM to 18. Complete building rules added.
Notes: The Bunker has proven to be harder to remove from the table than we intended. We also wanted to make it easier to reference the complete rules for these models.
Guard Tower
Changes: Reduce ARM to 18. Complete building rules added.
Notes: The Guard Tower has proven to be harder to remove from the table than we intended. We also wanted to make it easier to reference the complete rules for these models.
Command Cards
Defenses Command Card
Changes: Change the last sentence of the Fire Hazard special rule to, “If a trooper model without Flight advances through the area of this terrain as part of its unit’s Normal Movement, all models in the unit suffer the fire continuous effect.”
Notes: Fixing a typo in this rule.
Grave Robbing Command Card
Changes: Add the following Command Card to the game. Point Cost 0.
Grave Robbing – Play this card at any time during the activation of one of your models to give that model one corpse, rage, or soul token. A model can only gain a token from Grave Robbing if it has a special rule enabling it to gain corpse, rage, or soul tokens.
Notes: This card will make it easier for models that depend on corpse, rage, or soul tokens to gain those tokens during play.
High Alert Command Card
Changes: Add the following Command Card to the game. Point Cost 0.
High Alert – Play this card at any time during the activation of one of your models to give that model Shield Guard for one round. (When a friendly model is directly hit by a non-spray ranged attack while within 3˝ of a model with Shield Guard, you can choose to have the model with Shield Guard be directly hit instead. That model is automatically hit and suffers all damage and effects. A model can use Shield Guard only once per round and cannot use Shield Guard if it is incorporeal, knocked down, or stationary. Shield Guard can only be used once per attack.)
Notes: The intent of this card is to add a little more defense against ranged attacks to armies with few innate Shield Guards.
Put the Fires Out Command Card
Changes: Change the second sentence to, “If the affected models were knocked down, they stand up. If the affected models were stationary, the stationary status expires. If the affected models were suffering continuous or shakable effects, like Blind or Shadow Bind, those effects expire.”
Notes: These effects can strip a lot of options from a player’s turn especially when multiple effects are affecting the same model(s). The intent here is to add a card that frees up those options a little.
Duck! Command Card
Changes: Add the following Command Card to the game. Point Cost 0.
Duck! – Play this card at any time during the activation of one of your warrior models/units. Those models gain Resistance: Blast for one round.
Notes: This card is intended to offer some added protection to solos and trooper models against AOE attacks.
Core Rule Changes
p. 5, left column
Models section. First paragraph, last sentence.
“Troopers, solos, and non–battle engine warcasters and warlocks are warriors.”
“Troopers, solos, and non–battle engine Leader models are warrior models.”
p. 5, right column
Cohort Models callout.
“Warbeasts, warjacks, and horrors are collectively referred to as Cohort models. A rule affecting a “Cohort model” affects any of these model types.”
“Warbeasts, warjacks, monstrosities, and horrors are collectively referred to as Cohort models. A rule affecting a “Cohort model” affects any of these model types.”
p. 8, left column
Dual Attack section. Add to the end of the second sentence.
“A model with Dual Attack can make its initial melee and ranged attacks in any order you choose.”
p. 22, left column.
Attack Roll section. Third paragraph, first sentence.
“If the attack hits and any two dice in the attack roll show the same number, it is a critical hit.”
“If the attack directly hits and any two dice in the attack roll show the same number, it is a critical hit.”
p. 27, left column.
Ranged Attack Roll Modifiers section.
Concealment entry. Second sentence.
Change, “Huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus from concealment.”
“Extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus from concealment.”
p. 27, left column.
Ranged Attack Roll Modifiers section.
Cover entry. Second sentence.
Change, “Huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus from cover.”
“Extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus from cover.”
p. 27, left column.
Ranged Attack Roll Modifiers section.
Elevation Bonus entry. Second sentence.
Change, “Huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus for elevation.”
“Extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus for elevation.”
p. 27, left column.
Ranged Attack Roll Modifiers section.
Target in Melee entry.
Change, “An extra-large or smaller-based model in melee gains +4 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks. Huge-based models never gain the target in melee DEF bonus.”
“A large or smaller-based model in melee gains +4 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks. Extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the target in melee DEF bonus.”
p. 27, right column.
Target in Melee section.
Change, “Extra-large or smaller-based model in melee gains +4 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks. Huge-based models never gain the Target in Melee DEF bonus.”
“A large or smaller-based model in melee gains +4 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks. Extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the Target in Melee DEF bonus.”
p. 27, right column.
Concealment and Cover section. Last sentence.
Change, “Remember, huge-based models never gain the DEF bonuses from concealment or cover.”
“Remember, extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the DEF bonuses from concealment or cover.”
p. 29, left column.
Area-of-Effect (AOE) Attacks Section. Second paragraph, second sentence.
“Additionally, when an AOE attack hits its target, a number of additional models equal to the AOE value of the attack closest to the target that are also within a number of inches of the target model equal to the AOE value of the attack are hit and suffer a blast damage roll from the attack.”
“Additionally, when an AOE attack directly hits its target, a number of additional models equal to the AOE value of the attack closest to the target that are also within a number of inches of the target model equal to the AOE value of the attack are hit and suffer a blast damage roll from the attack.”
p. 29, right column.
Area-of-Effect (AOE) Attacks Section.
Add to the end of this section:
“Some special rules can affect a weapon’s AOE stat. If an attack’s AOE is reduced to 0 or less, the attack is no longer an AOE attack.”
p. 30, right column.
Arcane Attack Roll Modifiers section.
Concealment entry. Second sentence.
Change, “Huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus from concealment.”
“Extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus from concealment.”
p. 30, right column.
Arcane Attack Roll Modifiers section.
Cover entry. Second sentence.
Change, “Huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus from cover.”
“Extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the DEF bonus from cover.”
p. 30, right column.
Arcane Attack Roll Modifiers section.
Target in Melee entry.
Change, “An extra-large or smaller-based model in melee gains +4 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks. Huge-based models never gain the target in melee DEF bonus.”
“A large- or smaller-based model in melee gains +4 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks. Extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the target in melee DEF bonus.”
Note also that in the PDF all the text of this rule should be in the callout. Presently half the text of the rule is outside of the callout.
p. 27, right column.
Target in Melee section.
Change, “Extra-large or smaller-based model in melee gains +4 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks. Huge-based models never gain the Target in Melee DEF bonus.”
“A large- or smaller-based model in melee gains +4 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks. Extra-large- and huge-based models never gain the Target in Melee DEF bonus.”
p. 36, right column.
Racking Spells section. Example, third sentence.
“Erik selects Arcane Shield and Snipe for Brisbane’s rack.”
“Erik selects Arcane Shield and Snipe for di Baro’s rack.”
p. 49, left column
Advance Deployment & Ambush section. Second paragraph, second sentence.
Change “turn” to “round”.
p. 50, left column
Pitched Battle section. Second sentence.
Change: “When playing a pitched battle, your Leader’s battlegroup must include at least two non-lesser Cohort models.”
“When playing a pitched battle, your Leader’s battlegroup must include at least one non-lesser Cohort models.”
p. 50, right column
Grand Melee section. Second sentence.
Change: “When playing a grand melee, your Leader’s battlegroup must include at least three non-lesser Cohort models.”
“When playing a grand melee, your Leader’s battlegroup must include at least one non-lesser Cohort models.”
p. 50, right column
Total War section. Second sentence.
Change: “When playing a total war-scale game, your Leader’s battlegroup must include at least three non-lesser Cohort models.”
“When playing a total war-scale game, your Leader’s battlegroup must include at least one non-lesser Cohort models.”
p. 51, left column.
“When building your army, you need to spend every point available and cannot exceed the set number of army points.”
“When building your army, you can be up to 4 points under but cannot exceed the set number of army points.”
p. 54, left column
Crater section. Third paragraph, second sentence.
“A model completely within the area of a crater has cover from attacks made by models that are not touching any part of the crater terrain feature the model is in. Models completely within a crater do not suffer blast damage unless the origin of damage is in a crater they are in. When drawing line of sight to a model not completely within a crater, ignore models that are completely within a crater, open grave template, or one or more trench templates (p. 55).”
“A model completely within the area of a crater has cover from attacks made by models that are not touching any part of the crater terrain feature the model is in. Models completely within the area of a crater gain Resistance: Blast. When drawing line of sight to a model not completely within a crater, ignore models that are completely within a crater , or one or more trench templates (p. 55).”
p. 55, left column
Dust Devil section. Second paragraph.
“When a model within the perimeter of a dust devil makes a ranged attack or is targeted by a ranged attack, the attack suffers –3 RNG to a minimum of 8 ̋.”
“When a model within the perimeter of a dust devil makes a ranged attack or is targeted by a ranged attack, the attack suffers –3 RNG.”
p. 59, right column
Timing Chart section.
Change the number “10” on the Timing Chart to “9”.
p. 60, right column
Damage Application section. Letter “d”.
In the second sentence, change “Resolved” to “Resolve”.
p. 61, left column.
Warcasters Section. First paragraph, first sentence.
Add a page number/hyperlink to “monstrosities” that sends a reader to the page those rules move to.
p. 61, left column.
Warcasters Section. Third paragraph.
The warcaster rules begin on p. 35, not p. 65 as it presently says in the rules PDF.
p. 61, left column.
Monstrosities Section.
Move this entire section (that runs to p. 62) to p. 47 after the end of the Incorporeal section but before the Structures section.
p. 61, left column.
Monstrosities Section. Third paragraph.
Cut this line, “Monstrosities can be controlled only by cephalyx warcasters.”
p. 61, right column.
Power Attacks Section. Last sentence.
The page number referenced should be p. 24, not p. 62.
p. 62, left column.
Warcaster Destruction Section. First paragraph, First sentence.
“If a cephalyx warcaster is destroyed or removed from the table, the monstrosities in its battlegroup become autonomous.”
If a warcaster controlling monstrosities is destroyed or removed from the table, the monstrosities in its battlegroup become autonomous.”
p. 62, left column.
Warcaster Destruction Section. Second paragraph.
“A cephalyx warcaster can take control of an autonomous friendly monstrosity. To do this, a cephalyx warcaster must spend 1 focus point during its activation while base-to-base with the autonomous monstrosity. The monstrosity must forfeit its Combat Action the turn it becomes controlled. The monstrosity becomes a part of the battlegroup of the warcaster that took control of it.”
“A warcaster that can control monstrosities can take control of an autonomous friendly monstrosity. To do this, a warcaster must spend 1 focus point during its activation while base-to-base with the autonomous monstrosity. The monstrosity must forfeit its Combat Action the turn it becomes controlled. The monstrosity becomes a part of the battlegroup of the warcaster that took control of it.”
Note we also need to change the Orgoth Ravener’s Orgoth Monstrosity rule to the following:
“This monstrosity can be included in any Orgoth warcaster’s battlegroup. An Orgoth warcaster can allocate focus points to monstrosities in its battlegroup as if they were warjacks. At any time during its activation, an Orgoth warcaster can spend focus points to heal damage that a monstrosity in its battlegroup in its control range has suffered. For each focus point spent this way, remove 1 damage point.”
p. 62, right column
Forced Induction section. First sentence.
“When a warjack with an interface node spends a focus point during its activation, you can give a focus point to another warjack with an interface node if the two are in the same battlegroup and are within 6” of one another.”
“When a warjack with an interface node spends a focus point during its activation, you can give a focus point to another warjack with an interface node if the two are in the same battlegroup and are within 9” of one another.”
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE APP UPDATE January 10, 2024 appeared first on Privateer Press.