WARMACHINE App Update February 19, 2024
A lot of work has been going into the WARMACHINE app behind the scenes, and we have a fresh update that improves stability and usability. Here’s what’s new:
- Force sorting is now supported—Sort your lists by Army or Leader as well as by point levels.
- Force sharing over network now supported—After creating a match, if both users are online, choose [Create New Share Code] from the drop-down menu, and you’ll generate a seven-digit code that your opponent can enter by selecting “Add Opponent With Share Code,” allowing for instantaneous sharing of lists without scanning QR codes. Forces can also be imported while in the “Build a Force” screen using the same method.
- OFFLINE indication added to menu options that require a network—This warning will appear in the drop-down menu if your device is not online.
Additionally, this update fixes a data download failure bug and improves recovery in instances of data download failure.
With this work complete, we’ll be turning our attention to the long-awaited print-to-PDF function. So, please stand by as we continue to improve and add to the WARMACHINE app!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
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