WARMACHINE App Update April 24, 2024
Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update for subscribers is a pair of pieces: first, Matt Goetz offers up a deep dive into the Fire Tongue Warriors in an all-new compendium. He writes, in part:
What few in the Iron Kingdoms realize is that the croaks who have come to inhabit the western swamps are but one of many different breeds of their kind. Across the Shattered Spine Islands in the east are dozens of different types of croaks. Among the most robust are the bullcroaks, a subgroup of croaks known for their physical prowess.
The bullcroaks are not common in western Immoren due to their fighting ability. While other croaks were taken as slaves by the skorne empire and brought west, the bullcroaks successfully repelled the slavers time and time again. Rather than throwing away their lives, the skorne tacitly agreed to leave bullcroak-inhabited islands alone, preferring to take their captives from other, more easily seized tribes.
To the eyes of westerners, the bullcroak way of war appears to be dictated only by tribal savagery, but this is far from true. They approach combat through a highly ritualized set of tribal laws and cultural taboos. They seldom seek to eradicate an enemy but instead seek repayment for a wrong or to count coup against a foe. This is nonetheless marked by bloody and brutal fighting, and those who face off against the bullcroaks are not soon to forget the experience.
The greatest warriors among the bullcroak are the Fire Tongue Warriors, said to be descended from the first croak to tame fire.
Trollkin of the Southern Kriels encountered the Fire Tongue shortly after settling in Alchiere. The subcontinent has been a traditional hunting ground of the Fire Tongue for centuries. Fire Tongue hunting parties regularly traveled from their islands in dugout canoes to harvest the abundance of game and natural bounty the jungles of Alchiere have to offer. The meeting of these two cultures was unexpected, and initially there was tension between them. The Fire Tongues had experienced limited encounters with foreign cultures other than the skorne, who they drove out of their islands. The Fire Tongues expected the trollkin to be similarly inclined, but care on the part of the Southern Kriels’ leaders allowed a mutual respect to flourish.
Blending fearsome sorcery with ancient alchemy, the Fire Tongues augment the armies of the Southern Kriels with both might and magic.
Next, Jason Soles explores the background of Kapitan Yana Kovoskiy, as this excerpt demonstrates…
Kapitan Yana Kovoskiy was among the first warcasters transferred into what would evolve into the new Winter Korps. She would go on to serve with distinction throughout the civil conflicts of the next decade in which she was instrumental in the suppression and defeat of the rebelling princes. She would later turn her fearsome bear and primal magic against the fleeing Greylords Covenant as they were hunted across the lands of the empire.
Though her heart and soul belong to Umbrey and the wilds of the frozen north, her flesh and bone are consigned to the service of the empire in the person of the young prince Vladimir. A fierce warrior rising from the tales of old astride her great raging bear Valentyna, Yana Kovoskiy is a true hero of the empire.
And then, here are this week’s additions and corrections to the app:
That’s it for this week. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content—a brand-new piece of fiction!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE App Update April 24, 2024 appeared first on Privateer Press.