WARMACHINE App Update April 17, 2024
Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update for subscribers is a colossal one, the Mastodon Compendium, and you’ll want to know all about that massive Mastodon on the table, the one that’s either decimating your opponents or closing in to ensure your defeat…:
It was an open secret that even while the KMA labored on Khador’s next-generation warjacks, the empire also had extensive plans for its next colossals. Even as the High Kommand ordered the decommissioning of the current Khadoran colossals, the engineers of the KMA were hard at work developing the vital systems at the root of the next Khadoran machines. These colossals, which became the Mastodons, benefited greatly from innovations in metallurgy, manufacturing, and cortex design that grew from Khador’s next-generation warjack designs. The Mastodons would be modular weapon platforms that would integrate a number of heavy weapons developed specifically for the Great Bear warjacks. This standardization not only enabled the development of the Mastodon to proceed quickly following the Troubles but also further reduced the costs and dedicated knowledge required to maintain these machines.
Even as the Orgoth arrive on Khador’s shores in ever-greater numbers, the empire and its newfound allies hope history will repeat itself, and their new colossals will enable the Immorese to beat back the savage invaders a second time. With the Orgoth on the march across the Motherland’s western territories, the KMA is rushing to build as many of their new Mastodon colossals as possible in hopes of turning back the tide and delivering the invaders and their Fellgoeth masters a defeat that will resound in the halls of the Outer Abysses for millennia.
And then, here are this week’s additions and corrections to the app:
Mastodon: Added to Winter Korps
That’s it for this week. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content—a brand-new compendium: the inimitable Fire Tongue Warriors! And as a bonus subscriber piece, a Heroes & Villains entry for Kapitan Yana Kovoskiy!
That’s it for this week. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content—a brand-new compendium: the Khadoran colossal, the Mastodon!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE App Update April 17, 2024 appeared first on Privateer Press.