WARMACHINE App Update April 10, 2024
Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update for subscribers is a double dose of rewards. First, the latest Heroes & Villains entry features the Iosan Scyrafael, the Nis-Issyr of Desolations, whose history and background are astonishingly well detailed by the incomparable Jason Soles. Don’t know much about Scyrafael? Consider this summation excerpt from Heroes & Villains:
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Formerly a ranking warcaster and sibyl of the Fane of Scyrah, Scyrafael spent long years attending directly to the Iosan gods. It was her role to interpret their few subtle movements, gesticulations, and words spoken in the torpor of their long convalescence. When their end came, she witnessed it not from the gods’ inner sanctum, which had become her home, but through her oracular powers as she raced to them, sensing their time of darkest need mere moments before their destruction.
Their deaths, along with her own caused by the murderous psychical wave that followed, robbed Scyrafael of much of her precognitive capabilities. The shock and rage that consumed her, however, infected her very soul and greatly enhanced her innate psychokinetic powers, even as her preternatural vision was clouded. A true sibyl no more, Scyrafael joined House Kallyss not to help enact its vision for a brighter future for all of western Immoren but in hopes of annihilating her surviving enemies and serving justice for the deaths of the gods. She has become the weapon of House Kallyss, a blade once drawn that is impossible to sheath again until it has tasted blood. Such is the enduring rage of Scyrafael, the Nis-Issyr of Desolations
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Second, we’re releasing the Dragonfall: The Home Edition for all of you who want to bring the chaos of a convention scenario to your home tables! Important note: we assume no responsibility if the dragon Blighterghast utterly decimates your entire army.
And then, here are this week’s additions and corrections to the app:
Heroes & Villains: Scyrafael, Nis-Issyr of Desolations: Added to subscriber library
Dragonfall Event Rules: Added to subscriber library
Fire Guardian: Added to Southern Kriels
Fire Spitters: Added to Southern Kriels
Fugue Walker: Added to Southern Kriels
Mawga’Bawza: Added to Southern Kriels
Spirit Shaman: Added to Southern Kriels
Vrogger: Added to Southern Kriels
Warchief Bagadibawm: Added to Southern Kriels
Abidan the Keeper: Change the text of Wings of Death to “RNG 5. Target friendly Construct warrior model. If the model is in range, it gains Incorporeal for one round. If the model is in range and is a trooper model, the models in its unit also gain Incorporeal for one round.”
Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius: Corrected to not be able to add out–of–army warjacks to his battlegroup. Also, can no longer mistakenly attach Deathjack in Prime Arena.
Ancient Monolith: Add 10 Health, Def 5, ARM 20. Stealth, Impervious Flesh, Targetable, Remove: Scatter Terrain
Assault Kommander Strakhov: Change the second sentence of Sneak to “Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit.” Change the second sentence of Wet Work to “Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit.”
Axiara Wraithblade: Change the second sentence of Serpent’s Grace to “Target friendly living Faction warrior model/unit.” Change the second sentence of Sneak to “Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit.”
Booty Boss: Change the second sentence of Sneak to “Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit.”
Dreadguard Scyir: Change the text of Awaken the Void to “RNG 5. Target friendly Soulless trooper model. If the model is in range, the weapons of models in its unit gain Blessed for one turn.”
Fenris: Gains Berserk.
General “Thunderstone” Brug: Change the second sentence of Sneak to “Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit.”
Kommander Andrei Malakov: Change the second sentence of Sneak to “Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit.”
Lord Rockbottom: Change the second and third sentences of Payday to “Target friendly Faction trooper model. If the model is in range, models in its unit gain boosted melee attack rolls and Overtake for one turn.”
Stone Scribe Chronicler: Change the text of Charge of the Trolls to “RNG 5. Target friendly Faction trooper model. If the model is in range, models in its unit gain +2 to melee attack and melee damage rolls against enemy models in the melee range of a friendly Faction warbeast. Charge of the Trolls lasts for one turn.” Change the text of Hero’s Tragedy to “RNG 5. Target friendly Faction trooper model. If the model is in range, when an enemy warrior model destroys one or more models in the target’s unit with a melee attack during its activation, the enemy model becomes knocked down at the end of its activation. Hero’s Tragedy lasts for one round.”Change the text of Tale of Mist to “RNG 5. Target friendly Faction trooper model. If the model is in range, models in its unit cannot be targeted by ranged or arcane attacks while knocked down and gain concealment. Tale of Mist lasts for one round.”
Viktor Pendrake: Change the second sentence of Sneak to “Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit.”
That’s it for this week. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content—a brand-new compendium: the Khadoran colossal, the Mastodon!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
The post WARMACHINE App Update April 10, 2024 appeared first on Privateer Press.