Warlord Games: Summer Offensive Painting Competition!
We are proud to announce the Summer Offensive Painting Competition (SOPCom)!
We want to see your armies ready for parade at our next Warlord Open Day (more info about this special day soon!). It’s not just for those of you who may be attending the Nottingham HQ event either as this will be a worldwide challenge, so come on & get stuck in!
We’ve seen so many awesome paint jobs over the years, spanning so many periods of history and Sci-Fi that we really want to see what you got!
We’re looking for you to show off and parade your army, set a scene in a diorama, or just show your best unit(s)!
The Summer Offensive Painting Competition Catagories are:
Best Unit Category
The entrants in this category will need to display a cohesive looking unit, it also needs to be a game legal section/regiment and can include an officer & standard (and/or transport) if appropriate.
Francesco Thau – Warlord Games plastic Landsknechts
Francesco Thau – Warlord Games Waterloo British
Best Diorama Category
Your diorama submission will be judged as a whole, with a greater emphasis on how each of the miniatures will fit and match within the scene, so the idea and the execution is almost as important as the paint job itself!
Diorama Competition 2016 winner – Jakob Richardson
Rift Tech Radio Konfilkt ’47 Diorama Competition entrant – John
Best Paraded Army Category
As you may expect, this category is about showing off your game legal army. This force can be of any size above the relevant minimum army restrictions, each unit/vehicle/specialist team etc needs to be clearly identifiable and based within a display area no larger than 900mm Wide x 300mm Deep x 300mm High. This area can be modelled in an appropriate manner for your force or left nicely sanded as though on parade at Sandhurst/West Point…
Warlorder Pete Hely – Bolt Action Australians Army ready for Parade
The Summer Offensive Painting Competition rules Q&A:
Q. When does it run?
A. Now through until the deadline of 23:59 GMT Monday, August 27th.
Q. How do I enter?
A. You can enter either by posting a thread on the Warlord Games forum (which will allow you to keep a running project log as the unit moves from assembly through each stage of painting) – Find the NEW forum at this link:
Q. What can I use?
A. All miniatures must be from the current Warlord Games Range available from the Warlord Games online store.
Q. How Many miniatures can I use?
A. There are three categories:
- Best Unit/Regiment – A game legal squad/regiment of infantry miniatures as per the relevant army book (you are also allowed/encouraged to include an option of transport and/or a command group).
- Best Diorama – laid out on a maximum base size of 200mm Wide x 200mm Deep x 200mm High.
- Best Paraded Army – A game legal army of infantry miniatures as per the relevant army book, laid out on a maximum base size of 900mm Wide x 300mm Deep x 300mm High.
Q. What games system or period can I enter for each of the categories?
A. You can enter any Warlord Games System from these choices:
- Beyond The Gates Of Antares
- Bolt Action
- Black Powder
- Pike & Shotte
- Hail Caesar
- Best Konflikt ’47 Walker
- Best Blood Red Skies Squadron (6 or more aircraft)
- Best Doctor and his Companions or Master and Monsters or Davros and Daleks
(these fall under the Best Unit Catagory for prize purposes)
Q. Can I use a converted model?
A. Yes – as long as the majority of the miniature is from the Warlord Games range, you can convert it to your heart’s content.
Q. What constitutes a painted model?
A. The models must have at least 3 different colours of paint on them, their bases need to be finished appropriately (ideally painted and/or sculptured).
Q. How many times can I enter?
A. This contest is limited to a single entry per category per person.
Q. Can I show my progress to the world?
A. Yes please do! By all means post a Project Log over on the Warlord Forum, or in the Warlord Games Facebook page to post updates & keep up to date.
Q. Who’s judging the entries?
A. All of the entries’ photos will be gathered together and presented to the Warlord studio painting team with final arbitration by the head of the studio Mr Paul Sawyer.
Q. When will the victors be announced?
A. The worthy winners will be announced in a Warlord Newsletter Wednesday 5th September.
The Prize
Each Summer Offensive Painting Competition category winner will receive a £100/$150 voucher for Warlord products and the first runners-up will receive a £50/$75 voucher for Warlord products! … there may also be a few other surprise prizes along the way… Good luck for all of those who enter!
We’ll announce who/where you’ll send your final submissions too at a later date, in the meantime show us your progress on the Warlord Games Facebook page!
SOPCom closing date
As there can be quite a lot of work involved we’re going to give you plenty of time, the closing date will be Monday 27th August, so it’s time to pick up your brushes and get started!
Good Luck!
Let The Summer Offensive Begin!
View the Summer Offensive Army Offer in Store
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