Warcaster: The Thousand Worlds Pledge Manager Open!
by Andy Gill
It’s been two weeks since the end of the Warcaster: The Thousand Worlds Kickstarter campaign, so you know what that means: time for late pledges!
There’s a good deal of great stuff from this Kickstarter that will take your game of Warcaster to the next level:
- The brand-new Warcaster: The Thousand Wolds sourcebook. It’s your primary source for all rules, setting info, and lore in a single hefty tome. If you’ve ever snagged a copy of the WARMACHINE Prime and HORDES Primal books, you’ll know just how much of a treat you’re in for. Better still, the sourcebook contains fiction for each Faction by one of our favorite collaborators, Aeryn Rudel (who is also writing fiction for publication online that backers got to choose the characters central to those stories).
- One of the greatest concepts we’ve included in Warcaster are the Cadres. Essentially, a Cadre is a group of units designed to operate together on the battlefield. Most of the units in a Cadre can be added to your force normally, but the most powerful model in each Cadre, the Champion, cannot be added to the force unless you first add all the other units in the Cadre. If you take all the other units in the Cadre, you can then add a Champion to your force that does not count toward the total number of units in your force. You only gain one Champion for every full Cadre complement in your force, meaning you can have multiple copies of Champions running around, causing as much havoc as you can manage! Plus, every non-Champion unit in the Cadre can be included in your force separately, even if you aren’t including the entire Cadre.
- Each Faction also received reinforcements in the form of heroes and solos—and in this case, we have some of the wildest concepts you can imagine, from space rangers riding dinosaurs to a hero who turns into a ghost it he gets killed!
Late pledges begin today and run until September 10th, so pledge now and get ready for some of the most exciting games of Warcaster you’ve played yet!
Until next time!
The post Warcaster: The Thousand Worlds Pledge Manager Open! appeared first on Privateer Press.