Vanguard Launch Celebration at Mantic HQ
Hey everyone, Martin here! Well what a brilliant Saturday we had at the Vanguard Launch Celebration here at Mantic HQ. We had people journey from all over the country to come and join in the fun so we had to make sure everyone left with a ‘giant’ smile
Click here for a short video of the day
The day started with a short demo from Matt, and a full demo play through from Elvis to get everyone comfortable with the rules. Our guests were then invited to borrow some of the war-bands we had made available and hit the tables!
Up until lunchtime we had free play on all the tables. We had laid them out so each had a different scenario from the rule book, so our Vanguardians could either play a mission, or just have a massive fight! (we had a bit of both). There was plenty of dice being rolled, 8-trains choo choo-ing and commanders being killed with lots of whooping and shouting. We had spot prizes for added fun, with the best cheer coming when a grunt killed a command model!!
After lunch we had a Q&A with Matt Gilbert which you can catch up with here if you missed it first time round. We had some really good questions from the room and online… The main things covered were:
- Links to Kings of War
- The Fatigue mechanic
- Other war-bands on the horizon
- The Giant
- What Organised Play will look like?
- Any campaigns planned
The afternoon then had more free play and we also set up streaming for TopTable Jay (his channel is here) and Pathfinder Lee. Unfortunately our WIFI wasn’t quite up to where we wanted it so the stream was cut short. It is available here if you want to watch the first 30 minutes.
It was a great day and we saw many people leaving the store with some shiny new models to take home and paint!
The next event in our calendar is the Autumn Open Day, which is on the 10th November. Here you will be able to play demos of Vanguard plus lots more! Look out for a blog later this week to get the full run down of activities (and what super dooper freebies are in the goodie bag). You can still get tickets here but they are selling out fast!
The guys at Weight of Fire have also announced their first Vanguard event called Cry Havoc! Tickets are available and you can contact the guys here.
I’m off to paint some Nightstalkers (and more Dwarfs!).
The post Vanguard Launch Celebration at Mantic HQ appeared first on Mantic Blog.