Unboxing Deadzone: The Marauders
Right, yesterday we saw what the Deadzone Scenery Pack consists of – now it’s time to have a look at the Marauders!
The Marauder Faction Starter box that is currently available for pre-order consists of five bags of miniatures plus several bases. We’ve photographed the contents of each bag, grouped so you can see which parts go with each model. Aren’t we lovely? (Thanks to Curis for sorting them all out!)
Let’s see what we’ve got…

This bag contains a Goblin Sniper and two Ripper Suits.
The Goblin is an easy two-piece miniature, with only the head separate. The Ripper Suits are a bit more complex, but it breaks down easily. Each one consists of a body, a head (there are three to choose from) and a pair of arms. The arms are entirely interchangeable. You can then assemble one suit with ranged weapons (shown in the middle of the image) and the other with combat weapons (shown on the right). Most of it’s pretty modular, but the Rotary Cannon for the ranged suit needs to attach to a left arm. There are two ammo belts for it, depending on which left arm you use, so you’ll have a spare left over – don’t worry, this is entirely normal! If you can’t get the fit quite right, dunk the belt in hot water and it should work fine. Also, the Hammerjack (the three components in the bottom-right of the image) has the option of being assembled retracted or extended, so you’ll have another piece spare. Finally, there are some bits of detail which can be added to either suit (top right).
Phew! That’s the Ripper Suit out of the way. It’s plain sailing from here!

This bag contains the Commando Captain, two Mawbeasts and two Commandos.
The miniatures in this bag should go together without much fuss at all – just don’t forget to add those Hrunka knives to the Commandos! The only thing worth mentioning is the Commando Captain; he goes on a 20mm base, but doesn’t have an integral round base, so you’ll need to flip the separate base upside-down. Also, in my own Faction Starter, I found I had to use some hot water to get the him to stand flat on his base – the work of a couple of seconds, but worth knowing in advance!

This bag contains a single Marauder Commando. (He recently split up with his girlfriend, and is a bit sensitive about it, so please don’t bring it up.)
The running Commando is really easy to put together – make sure you trim the small piece of plastic attaching his left foot to the base, otherwise you’ll have to deal with it when you come to paint your models.

This bag contains another Goblin Sniper and a particularly well-armed Commando.
The sprue of parts in this bag should be pretty self-explanatory – most of the bits are for the Commando. I’d recommend sticking the Hrunka Knife in place first, otherwise you’ll have to squeeze past the guns. Note that the Goblin’s head is on the sprue with the Commando bits.

The Marauder Pyro also gets a bag to himself, but that’s because no one else wants to travel in an enclosed space with a tank of inflammable material.
The Pyro is another miniature with plenty of parts, but shouldn’t be a problem! I’d recommend dry-fitting the arms and fuel tube (i.e. without glue, using a bit of blu-tac or something similar) before you stick them in place, as you might need to use some hot water to get the fit perfect. We’re going to be doing a quick video tutorial on using hot water next week, so keep watching this space if you’re unsure how to do it!
There you go – all twelve miniatures in the Marauders Faction Starter. We hope that helps when you get your hands on your miniatures! If you have any questions, drop ‘em in the comments below.