Unboxing Deadzone: Terrain ahoy!
Afternoon all! After a brief weekend to refresh and revitalise, we’re back in the saddle with more Deadzone info. With the Kickstarters flying out of the warehouse door at an alarming rate (don’t worry, I’m speaking metaphorically) we’re approaching the retail and web pre-order release date. As such, we’re going to spend some time this week going through the contents of the various boxes and showing you what you get! First up, we’re looking at the already insanely popular Deadzone Terrain Set.
This is currently available in two places – the pre-release Deadzone Boxed Game, and the Deadzone Scenery Upgrade Pack. (If you want a scenery pack, better move quick – at time of writing, there are only eight available!) In either case, you get the same amount of scenery, made up of five different sprues. Here’s a rundown of what you get!

4 x Core Worlds Terrain Sprue 1
You get four of the above sprue, which features (clockwise from top-left) two barricades / parapet sections, a crossed-girders tile, a solid wall tile and a wall tile with vision slit. You also get two support pieces (are they buttresses or stanchions? Vote in the comments!) which act as connectors, letting you connect two tiles side-by-side and stand them vertically at ground level. These are great for creating lines of barricades or making a building look a little bit more secure.

2 x Core Worlds Terrain Sprue 2a
You get two of the above sprue, which features a doorway tile, a wall tile with double window, and two floor / ceiling tiles. You also get four more of those stanchion-buttress-type things, which I shall hereafter refer to as “stantresses”. (Or maybe not. That just sounds ridiculous.) Remember, this really is a creator’s kit – there’s nothing stopping you using those floor / ceiling tiles as more walls!

2 x Core Worlds Terrain Sprue 2b
You get two of the above sprue, which contains a roof tile, a door, two large buttresses and three half-tiles. Again, the roof piece could easily be a floor or wall. The door clips into the doorway from Sprue 2a thanks to an ingenious little connector at the top, without any glue, so you can open and close the door during games if you want to add some house rules for doing so! The large buttresses act as connectors, letting you connect two tiles at right angles, and are ideal for supporting balconies and walkways.

2 x Terrain Accessory Sprue
Here’s a fun one! You get two accessory sprues in each Boxed Game or Scenery Pack, giving you a ton of stuff. The sprue contains a pair of railings (for the tops of buildings or to run along the edges of walkways) , three different types of barrels / supply crates to act as cover, another three large buttresses, a ladder and lamp-post. The ladder and railings clip directly into the connector holes on your terrain tiles, while the lamp post acts as a connector in the same way as the small buttress / stanchion pieces.

1 x Terrain Connector Sprue
Finally, you get one Connector Sprue! This gives you sixteen straight connectors and thirty-two right-angled connectors which will let you hold your construction together. These should be more than enough to put together several small terrain pieces for games of Deadzone, but if you’re attempting something big and ambitious and you want some more, you can order more Connector Sprues on their own.
There we go! Make sure you check throughout this week for more information about the contents of the various Deadzone boxes.