The Walking Dead – Conflict 2019
Hello survivors, the boys over at the T&G Productions YouTube channel are back again to talk about their newest iteration of the world’s premier The Walking Dead Miniatures Game Event, Conflict 2019.

Building on the success of last year’s Conflict, the lads have set an ambitious task of making this year’s event a weekender. Conflict 2019 will be held once again at The Forge in Manchester over the 5th-6th October and will feature The Walking Dead: All Out War and the upcoming large-scale Walking Dead wargame.
Saturday will focus on All Out War and the expansion to last year’s Conflict
narrative campaign which focused on a civil war within the walls of New Haven,
a lone outpost against the undead horde. This year’s ominously-titled ‘The Long
Road’ focuses on the fall out and effects on the survivors, who until now had
lived safe and protected lives behind their walls. Until, that is, the explosive
conclusion of the 2018 event, which saw the Walkers lay siege to the Haven.
Event Organiser Paul Preston said: “Last year we tried something new and it worked, we held a great event that people really enjoyed, 22 players was a great achievement and we made some great friends as a result. For Conflict this year we want ‘The Long Road’ to continue the story of The New Haven survivors. This year’s scenarios are being play tested in more depth to ensure that, not only are they fair, but most importantly fun. We want to continue the narrative story as long as we can, weaving in the actions of our players at each event.”
Sunday of Conflict 2019 is going to be dedicated to ‘March to War’. As these
rules are currently in a play test format the guys have been busy getting to
know the game and are excited to see where they can take this for Conflict
2019, even trying out some more of their own custom scenarios with the new
Speaking about the inclusion of the new system at the event, T&G’s Tom Panah said: “March to War brings an interesting prospect in the how we see Conflict 2019 playing out. With the new strategy points we are looking at ways to make these even more valuable to players. We want to build tension in these games, like the survivors face in the comics, and are enjoying finding ways to do that. When these players March to War we really want them to enjoy the choices they make and the inevitable impact this could have on their next game.”
Once again, the attendees will not go home empty handed as every ticket holder is taking home a plethora of swag in one of the event’s famed goodie bags, and there are even whispers of some more fantastic support from event sponsors. You can find out more at the ‘Conflict – A Walking Dead: All Out War Event’ Facebook group page.
Did you miss Conflict last year? Don’t worry, the scenarios and story are being released in a PDF supplement in the coming weeks. Early bird tickets for the event are available until 5th May, 2019. Check the event page for more details.

The post The Walking Dead – Conflict 2019 appeared first on Mantic Blog.