The Road to The Miasma War – Meet the Lunarian

Space RabbitIntroduced to the world by Summoners, Lunarians are theorized to be denizens of Terra’s Moons. These rabbit-like humanoids remain completely covered by their clothing, and no one has seen their true form. Since first contact, Lunarians have managed to appear on Terra without being summoned. The Magickal Akademy believes the Lunarians have reverse engineered the summoning spells to travel from the Moons.

Wielding massive hammers in combat, the Lunarians are formidable foes. Both the 1 point and 2 point versions are able to give themselves Stat boosts simply by moving to different height levels, or ‘bunny hopping’. Both versions are also able to cast healing spells, providing unique alternatives to the human Clerics or Chemists. Their Lower MP means you may need to take an additional support model to keep up your Party’s survivability.

The 2 point Lunarian can be summoned by the Summoner [F] for 3 MP. This means you can only summon once and use the special Around/Blind attack. Using the Attuned Call ability and giving the Summoner the Holy Blood effect means the Lunarian can heal the Summoner using basic attacks, conserving some of its MP for other attacks.


The Lunarian will be sculpted by Patrick Keith.

The Miasma War Kickstarter Begins May 1st!