The Rangers – Join the Relics Demo Team!
Today we launch the revamped Tor Gaming demo program – The Rangers!
Every game needs a solid support network to bring it to the attention of the masses and Relics is no different in that respect. That’s where the Rangers come in!
The Rangers are responsible for getting out there and spreading the word of Relicia!
What do we expect?
Blood! No, only joking. The program runs on a two month rolling activity period in which time all we ask you do is at least two events. Events can be demos, tournaments, painting comps etc. We may even OK some YouTube channels to use video posts as activity!
What do you get?
Ah, now then, down to the nitty-gritty hey! We may be wrong on this (it has been known in the past!) but we do honestly feel this is one of the best rewarding demo program in existence!
Every Ranger who is not on probation and meets enjoys the following benefits:
- 25% discount on the Relics range
- 10% commission paid for trade generated through retail stores.
- T-shirt (as you would expect)
- FREE products
And other stuff…..
Want more details?
Check out the full details here
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