The Power of Cool – Andy takes a look at his favourite Warzone Resurrection Kit

Andy is our newest employee at Prodos Games and he wanted to share some words about his favourite kit and what pushed him to that decision.

When choosing a new Army there are many factors which can affect a decision, “how does it play”, “Would it be fun to paint”, “the background and characters are just awesome!” – all sorts!

For me it all comes down to the Power of Cool!

I’ve always been susceptible to eye candy and have a real love affair with Giant Robots!
The idea of pilots riding into battle with enough destructive power to take out a city block or to get up close and personal with devastating melee weapons has always fascinated me.

So when a unbuilt Capitol Orca came across my desk… The power of Cool took over.


Was it the the robotic arms handling the ammo belt, or was it the exposed cockpit showing the inner workings of the great beast along with the pilot? I cant decide on one single thing… The Orca just cried out to me!

When I was spotted holding the Orca lovingly in my hands it was suggested to me that I construct an entire army.. Being the new guy here at Prodos Games I’ve yet to demonstrate my hobby skills, so I’m taking the opportunity and running with it. As well as the Orca I’ve unboxed the Capitol starter set… An obvious place to begin with 10 Light Infantry, 2 Purple Sharks and Big Bob Watts himself.


So my mission have been set to build and paint a Capitol Force.
Can’t say I’ve ever been the best painter, so with that in mind my best bet would be to remain in a simple colour scheme, Something that I’m not going to get bogged down with.

I have in mind that for the Orca I was to go for a classic army green… I’m thinking this could be weathered very well detail added to bring out some colour and maybe just maybe I could continue the theme across the rest of the army.

Having had some impressive results in the past using the “Army Painter Soft tone dip” and with time that being a real Factor in this project I’ve got to keep it simple, Paint on the core colours, add on any transfers but instead of Dipping the miniature into the pot I instead use an old paint brush and apply it like wash. This gives me full control of where and how much is applied.

Will i have a game plan… all that’s left for me to do is actually begin!
I will return with a progress update, share my thoughts on how the project is going.
And with any luck…a finished army.

Andy R


You can find the full rules for Capitol available for free from our website :

You can also purchase the Orca Battlesuit MKIV and Capitol Starter Box from our Webstore here:
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