The Mantic Autumn Open Day
With only a week to go until we open our doors to our amazing fans I just wanted to give you an update of what the plan of the day is so you can make sure you are in the right place at the right time. There are still tickets available here but they are almost sold out..
All ticket holders will receive a fantastic goodie bag. Martin is annoyed with one of the items as he thought he would have the only one in existence.. but you will all get an extremely rare blue resin Ice Queen. We don’t plan on making any more but Ricky and the team made another 100. (Lucky you – *grumble grumble* – MT). You will also get some discount vouchers and some other fantastic items, but we will keep those as a surprise.
My unique snowflake is no longer unique…
We will have demos and participation games a plenty! Join in the fun with the following..
- Kings of War: Vanguard
- Here’s Negan
- Battling Giants
- Warpath mass battle
- The Walking Dead huge gaming board
- We may have a Hellboy demo too (you all saw the crushed prototype box. Fingers crossed we can salvage it!!)
- Live sculpting Vanguard with Luigi – 2 sessions with limited spaces.
- Terrain Building competition
- Seminars with James Hewitt, Mark Latham and Matt Gilbert
- The always worrying, I mean inspirational Q&A with Ronnie!
- Painting area
- Live painting with Matt Mountain – ask him anything if you need hobby advice
- King of War huge battle display board
As well as…
- Crazy Bobby’s sale room – grab a bargain!
- Mantic store
- Brush with Death winners announced
- Mantic Staff Brush with Death – you pick the winners!
The hashtag for social media will be #ManticOpenDay Share pictures and video with your groups to spread the Mantic love. For those who can’t attend, New Matt will be doing as much live streaming as possible, and will be recording all the important bits to share on YouTube afterwards.
We are pleased to welcome back the Al Fresco Pizza Co. who supplied awesome food for us back at the Spring Open Day. They provide a wide range of wood-fired pizzas and will be serving from 10-30 until around 2-30. We will of course have the Mantic tuck shop open for snacks and drinks.
As you can see we have a really packed day, bringing you some old favourites and some exciting new things too.
Can’t wait to see you all on the 10th November!
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