The Jungle Squad
The 5 man jungle squad has been added to the store. Working on an orc army has not distracted us from regular releases :).
Many of you requested after Female Guerilla models that we should do unit with separate weapons – and that’s what we did . While it makes the kit more suitable from experienced modelmakers it definitely makes it easier to use those within variety of gaming systems.
To ensure that all works Robert had to tweak the models a couple of times. The minis, except weapons, were sculpted using traditional methods – fimo clay around brass wireframe. So for the final modifications Robert used resin copies – clay would be a tad risky, as it is a tad brittle and easy to damage.
At last Chris had a chance to test his skills on whole unit. To ease the shading he used zenithal undercoat technique – this gave him a good guideline about highlight placement which proved especially useful on a large bare skin areas .
If you haven’t tried this technique before it may be worth a shot – especially considering it is a very simple one. First you undercoat your model black , then you only lightly “dust” the model with white spray, spraying from the top (or from other place that is intended as models light source) .
Next units
Yes, we’re planning more units :). What I want to try next is giving models 2 arms options – bare and “armed”. This should get the best of 2 worlds – easy assembly for those who want to have the models ready fast and plenty of customizing options for those that like to tweak their minis.