The 9th Age, a free wargame. What does it mean ‘free’?
Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age is a free, community driven, rank-and-file wargame set in a fantasy world. However what does it exactly mean that it is free?
First of all the game rules are free to download. All the rules for all the factions, all extensions and extra materials that T9A has designed and published are available through https://www.the-ninth-age.com website. There are no hidden micro-payments to access army lists or get most recent version of the rules. The game is free. It is published under CREATIVE COMMONS PUBLIC LICENSE which allows you not only to use the rules but also to produce and sell their copies as long as you won’t change the content and provide proper credits to Work authors.
The T9A is not a miniature company and does not manufacture any models or game accessories. It is not financed by any third party only by community members. The rules development is not driven by a sales department who is interesting in selling latest models. As a result the game is free from powercreep that affects all systems designed by commercial companies. If units rules change it is because game designers believe it will improve game experience and not because the model sales are not good enough.
There are no official miniatures for The 9th Age. As a result you are free to use models from any company you like as long as they roughly 28mm and allow your opponent to identify units. You are free to create custom models or 3D print your designs. There is a number of companies that support T9A and create models designed for the game: TMS Tabletop Miniatures Solutions, Fireforge Games, Avatars of War, Norbaminiatures, Westfalia, Model Age, Shieldwolf Miniatures, Mierce Miniatures, Hidden Dreams, Windmaster Miniatures, Rotten Factory, MOMminiaturas or Wood Axe. Thanks to the support of those companies hobby can develop and grow, players are given multiple options to build their collections. Companies in return gain access to huge customers pool. One of T9A goals is to create open environment for fantasy miniature manufacturers, a common Background base free for all to use.