TGG2: Light and Darkness – Kickstarter Freebies
TGG2: Light and Darkness was a huge success with 3,052 backers and a huge number of miniatures unlocked, including $282 worth of Freebies for backers at the $175 Lieutenant Box Pledge Level!
With the Pledge Manager soon to open, we thought it was a good time for a bit of a recap of what’s going to be available to backers.
So, where better to start than everyone’s favourite bit… the Freebies 🙂
That’s just concept art though, right? Well, how about some renders and mini photos! These have all been in our updates, but never all in one place… until now!
1: Sister Celenia – Scout – Sisters
2: Xarsiss – Harpie Queen – Dark Elves
3: Shaliah – Death Dancer Soloist – Lust Elves
4: Doralys – Virgin Oracle – Sisters
5: Sephea – Executrix Champion – Dark Elves
6: Liligrith – Exsanguinatrix – Dark Elves
7: Rithali-in – Expiatrix – Sisters
8: Sister Ardanna – Pillar of The Faith – Sisters
A bit like my other half, Sister Ardanna won’t be rushed! We think it’s a Kickstarter curse and that there always has to be one… in TGG1 it was Lieutenant Parker (one of the first sculpts we started, but the last to be finished) and this time it’s Sister Ardanna. She’s almost there though and about to leave for 3D printing, so will be shown in our next Kickstarter update.
9: Zailith – Blood Vestal Secultrix – Dark Elves
10: Onyx – Master Assassin – Dark Elves
11: Vanvyssah – General – Lust Elves
12: Vladimir and Tobias – Mascots – Sisters
13: Lady Melith – Courtesan – Lust Elves
14: Violet The Duchess – Mascot – Dark Elves
15: Sinzirith – Blood Vestal High Priestess – Dark Elves
So there you have it! 15 awesome Freebies, or 16 if you treat Vladimir and Tobias separately, which is probably for the best as they can be pretty surly… free to all Lieutenant Box Pledges and above!
Without our backers, we wouldn’t be able to make awesome minis, so while we can say thank you, thank you, thank you over and over again, it’s even better to be able to show you how grateful we are with special rewards like these 🙂
For more info on the Kickstarter click here: TGG2: Light and Darkness
Happy gaming,
Jon Simpson