Tales of the Ninja – Fanzine – Volume 1, Issue 2 Ready for Download
Tales of the Ninja, is put together by the Ninja Division Fan Community and is full of exciting hobby content, painted miniatures and much more. Want to know whats going on in the Ninja Division Fan Community, check out Tales of the Ninja!
From their release page:
“Tales of the Ninja, Volume 1, Issue 2 is ready for your enjoyment! Simply click the downloads button at the top and then follow the menu to Tales of the Ninja, or take the direct link to download Issue 2 by clicking HERE.
Volume 1, Issue 2 Cover done by David Y Lee
In this issue, you can expect to see some graphics upgrade which makes the magazine much more enjoyable to look at. We’ve worked on layout and design of the magazine as well while we try to get to a standard and format that we like.
You’ll find additional things like an original piece of fan fiction titled “Daystar,” an article on building a 3D Super Dungeon Explore board, an article describing what it’s like being a part of the Ninja Corp, Ninja Division’s convention and game volunteers, a focus on a special Halloween event, and more images in the gallery section.
We’ve also added in a few pieces like Friends of Tales of the Ninja, a short “did you know” spot, and a my favorite, space where some of the community members get a chance to respond to questions
Once again, thank you to all of the volunteers who put in their time and creative energy into making this magazine special: From our cover artist David Y Lee, to the man behind the graphics Austin Enriquez, contributing editor Octave Villar, and everyone else who sent in submissions.
Tales of the Ninja is always looking for more content. Please send your ideas or submissions to [email protected].”