Tabletop Cars – Another Stretch goal gone already!

Tabletop Cars – Another Stretch goal gone already!


That was crazy fast! We have now added the Pursuit Cruiser to the list of Cars going into production!

This means that we now have 7 designs Ready to be cast up, with the 8th & 9th up as a double plus the ultra cool Exclusive Tuk Tuk Foodwagon!








Kickstarter Exclusive
Kickstarter Exclusive

So, Next up we have a double stretch goal – the Delivery Van and a rather cool Armoured 4×4


– We are already on our way to unlocking those 2 designs which will bring us up from 7 Vehicles to 9 Vehicles funded (plus Tuk Tuk) and bring the People Carrier into sight as well!

Once again, thank you to all of you for all of your support so far! We are loving this Kickstarter journey and very much looking forward to delivering on it as quickly as possible – in fact, i’m about to post the Masters for all of the above Vehicles to our resin caster today to ensure that they are all as they should be and allow time for our Sculptor to make any amendments which may become necessary before casting.

More updates once he’s seen them! And we will very quickly ensure that the casting run is lined up – as soon as the post-KS questionnaires are completed and we know the numbers on each car we will begin casting.

If you want to join in and support this cool wee Kickstarter, please head over to;

