T-34 Tanks Unlocked – Tanks in Manchuria Kickstarter
We have some good news today for backers collecting Soviet tanks. The T-34 which was planned to unlock at $20k will be available to all backers at the end of the funding period!

We began production on the T-34 model prior to the start of this Kickstarter project and progress on the molds are coming along quicker than expected. This morning, I received the first test cast of the hull and tracks, and they’re looking pretty solid. Only one slight problem has been identified and it should be cleared up shortly. One master model for the turret just came off the printer so we should have that mold ready soon.
The damage tracker design has also been finalized. We decided to integrate an earlier dice holder design from our Tanks of WWI project into the damage tracker. For those of you using popular World War II rules sets this will allow you to track damage to a unit/vehicle as well as give you a nice slot for your order dice. The tracker is 40mm wide and has nine slots that hold 1/8” rods to mark damage.

I also wanted to remind everyone that there is a pledge calculator on our website to calculate the price of add-ons from our storefront. We’re offering varying discounts depending on your pledge level. Check out the site for instructions on how to use the calculator.
If you have any questions feel free to drop us a note.