Supporting Kings of War

With the hugely successful Walking Dead: All Out War Kickstarter out of the way, it’s time to get back down to basics. This month sees a lot of support for our existing games, starting with Kings of War. The game has been massive over the last 12 months, growing meteorically in popularity.


These units fill out slots for existing armies – providing players with oft-requested units to support their games. There’s a range of forces catered for, from Elves to Undead.


But that’s not all! Building on the success of Uncharted Empire and Destiny of Kings, over the months to come we have a lot more in store for Kings of War. Some of which you might have seen, some of which is secret…right now. Keep an eye peeled for the Forces of Nature to arrive sooner than you think.


While we are talking about Kings of War, we have had to adjust some prices due to our suppliers increasing their costs. It’s not something we’ve done very often (and it’s not something we’re planning on doing very often in the future!) but unfortunately these circumstances are outside of our control. We’re going to be updating people on it a little later this week. We’ve got a couple more changes to do over the next month too, particularly to our US prices.


//Containment Protocol Established;

Also this month, we’ll be focusing on Dungeon Saga, which has a new expansion out later this month. We’ve been getting some interference through our blog lately. No idea what’s causing it – yell if you see anything out of the ordinary.

All of our new releases will be in the Pre-Order section on our site. We’ll be going through each of these in detail as they’re released, so stay tuned!

The post Supporting Kings of War appeared first on Mantic Blog.