The Support Trooper from Icarus Miniatures Lays Down Some Covering Fire

Happy Friday wargamers!

Icarus Miniatures here with another concept art preview for our upcoming sci-fi skirmish game, The Icarus Project,  to show off today. This time, we’re looking at another one of the Alliance Troopers.

The Alliance arsenal is vast and varied, but there are a core range of weapons. All Alliance Troopers are issued a standard side arm; though some choose to use more powerful pistols.
Each standard trooper is also given the Alliance Standard Issue 7.62x51mm Assault Rifle, the AAR-7.
The AAR base is highly versatile and can be modified in any number of ways, with each part of the structure easily removed and replaced.

Each squad of troopers will have a dedicated support specialist. This trooper will usually be issued with a light machine gun, or a missile launcher.

Alliance weapons are built for maximum flexibility, and the light machine gun is no different. It uses the same 7.62x51mm rounds as the AAR-7, and can even be configured to accommodate a standard assault rifle magazine.

When a box magazine is fitting, the weapon used a belt fed system that draws round from the box. This allows the user to fire a continuous salvo of 100 rounds.

Alliance Support Trooper from Icarus Miniatures

This is another piece by our talented artist, Hokunin. I love the visual style of the Alliance that he is helping to develop.

As always, you can learn more about the trooper on our BLOG.
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Until Next time.

Happy Wargaming!