Super Dungeon Explore:Forgotten King previews Slimes!
Welcome to a very special slimy Friday update. First, though, production!
Lets do a super sleek punchlist summary:
- Print: All print files are now in China, and proofs are beginning to be built.
- Models: All final model molds have been greenlit and all remaining models have begun production.
- Dice: Our first set of prototype dice off the new molds required some fine tuning. So adjustments are being made to the molds to make sure they are beautiful.
- Shipping: Our goal is to have everything manufactured and on the water before Chinese New Year. It should be achievable now that print files are done, but we will keep you informed on the whole process.
Oh, they’re so kawaii!
Slimes are available in the Bag O’ Slime or the Dungeon’s of Crystalia tile pack.
Slimes all work pretty much the same way, even between Classic and Arcade modes, so we’re going to review their rules all together. Lets look at the cards and explore each slime’s unique personalities.
Citrine Slimes are not very good conversationalists. They are, however, exceptional at oozing and stinking of sulfur—mainly the stinking part. One splash or casual ooze-to-skin contact will doom a Hero to smelling bad for the rest of their days. While this is fine if you are Citrine Slime yourself, it is rarely appropriate for polite company.
Remarkably congenial, Emerald Slimes are giggling chatterboxes. Regaling Heroes with grand tales of “glorp–glug–splurrr–slorp,” “blurb–grupple–glog–blarr,” and the classic, “bloob–blub–blablablup.” Granted, these are direct translations, so no Hero actually knows what they are saying, but they seem friendly enough.
Far more cranky than they have any right to be, Ruby Slime are incessant complainers. Given to long, obnoxious bouts of melodramatic sighing and irritated grumbling, many get along very well with dwarves. Such alliances rarely last long. Inevitably the Ruby Slime will decide the dwarf owes him some shiny trinket and demand it with a rude and indignant gooing—which is enough to ruin any friendship.
Something is not quite right with Sapphire Slimes. Even for a slime they are somewhat peculiar and odd. Given to drooling and then slurping it up noisily, many Heroes find themselves uncomfortable around Sapphire Slimes. Accordingly, they are not invited to many dinner parties.
Rules For Appropriate Sliming
All slimes are Creeps. Creeps are not spawned normally. Instead they enter play by drawing Explore Cards. Creeps have the ability Insignificant, which allows them to activate as long as a Hero is on their tile and their destruction provides no loot. Boo!
The key ability for Slimes is Invader. When Invader is used the Invader model (in this case the slime) is removed from play and placed on the target Hero’s card, essentially becoming a token. While a slime model is on the Hero’s card, no model other than the Hero may target or affect the slime the Slime—not even area of effects.
Now the nasty part. As long as the Slime remains on the Hero’s card, the Hero may not benefit from any equipment of the same color as the slime: Citrine (yellow), Emerald (green), Ruby (red), and Sapphire (blue). There is just too much slime coating it to be used. Gross!
A shorter update this week, but that just gives you more time to dream up stories of brave Heroes battling corrupted Kodama and cursed Chimera, and of course, roll lots of stars!