Super Dungeon Explore – Mr. Bitey Sculpt and Dungeon Tile Art

Once again we’re not going to post the massive list. This was one of those weeks where lots of incremental progress was made, but there were no big turning points that fundamentally changed our Production List of Awesome. Going forward we’ll post it periodically to check in on all the stuff, but not every update to keep it from gobbling up real estate.

The Claws of the Wyrm models are the current pieces that are being sculpted. They are looking great and we should have some pictures of them to show you soon. We also finished Mr. Bitey who is looking to bite the hand that feeds him.

Rules-wise we’re currently tweaking the stats of several existing Heroes and monsters that will be in the upgrade decks and working on getting them ready.

One of the more exciting things we’ve received this week is some of the internal illustrations that will be decorating the new rulebook. We’re going to keep most of them a surprise for when you get the book but we wanted to show one off.

Work on the pledge manager continues and we’ll let you know as soon as it is ready to go.

Lets close out with a few more pictures of some of the items that we had finished up last week and are ready for show!

First off we have the Stilt Town zombies: Prowler, Pudge, and Swampie. The Prowler is the leaping vicious looking one, the swampie is your classic shambler zombie, and the pudge is the portly gentleman with the underbite.

These sculpts were traditionally sculpted as opposed to the digitally sculpted and 3D printed models we showed you last week.

Next we have the finished art for the reverse side of the dungeon tiles. Where the tiles you’ve seen were more representative of the ruined and overgrown castle of the Forgotten King’s keep in the Lordship Ruins, these are more representative of the Fae Wood. We’ll be putting the grid on and icon on these and then they’ll be ready to go!