Super Dungeon Explore: Kickstarter Update

The week has flown by as we’re working on finding a new warehouse and getting more sculpts and art done. We’re also finalizing our GenCon events and will have those announced next week!

To keep the list a bit smaller today we’re just going to list the new stuff.

Bashful Boris: In the mail to China to await tooling.

Forgotten King Dungeon Tiles: All art complete. Grid Layout in progress.

Silver Chevalier: In the mail to China to await tooling.

Kinoshroom: Sculpt – Done, in queue at 3D Printer

Fungal Growth: Sculpt – Done, in queue at 3D Printer

Dragon Blade: In the mail to China to await tooling.

Black Claw Assassin: Sculpt – Done, in queue at 3D Printer

Claw Trainer: Sculpt – Done, in queue at 3D Printer

Shamble Priest: Sculpt – In progress

Brave-Mode Candy: In the mail to China to await tooling.

Never-Lost Cola: In the mail to China to await tooling.

Tabbybrook Mage: In the mail to China to await tooling.

Deeproot Wolf Rider: In the mail to China to await tooling.

Wandering Minstrel: In the mail to China to await tooling.

Royal Warden: In the mail to China to await tooling.

Shadow-Mode Candy: Sculpt – Done, in queue at 3D Printer. (You’ll note this is a step backwards from last week’s update. I accidentally listed her incorrectly.)

Dungeons of Crystalia: All art complete. Grid layout in progress.

3D Print Pictures

We’ll do another rules preview early next week. This week though we thought you’d like to see what the digital sculpts look like after they’ve been 3D printed. These prints are what China will use to tool the molds for the final plastic production models that you will receive.

We couldn’t assemble the models because that will interfere with the tooling but you can still get a good sense of the models.

Bashful Boris *Paladin for scale.
Bashful Boris *Paladin for scale.
Brave-Mode Candy & Never Lost Cola
Brave-Mode Candy & Never Lost Cola
Silver Chevalier
Silver Chevalier
Tabbybrook Mage
Tabbybrook Mage

 That’s not a broken staff, you can’t see it from this angle but it is keyed for assembly in the factory during production.

Wandering Minstrel
Wandering Minstrel

 The minstrel’s pose is so awesome, but is really hard to photograph with that sword in the way.

Royal Warden
Royal Warden
Dragon Blade
Dragon Blade

 Oh goodness! He’s so beefy and terrifying. Dragons beware!

Deeproot Wolf Rider *Paladin for scale.
Deeproot Wolf Rider *Paladin for scale.

Look how big that wolf is! We knew we wanted it big but were so excited to see it in real life next to a model.

Pledge Manager

We’ve had several PMs and e-mails about when the pledge manager will be up. We are still working on implementing a few features for it and it should be ready sometime this month. We’ll make sure to have a nice update that details it when it is ready to go.

Have a great weekend, and may you always roll stars!

–Soda Pop Miniatures