Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King Kickstarter – New Unlocks!

In the immortal words of Ted ‘Theodore’ Logan, “Whoa.”

Really that says everything doesn’t it?

Let’s see what we’ve unlocked!

Expand your dungeons with six, new double-side dungeon tiles!

Next Up

Candy’s dark doppleganger is up next as a free LOOT. Once we reach $525k all pledges of Always Super will have this little bundle of mischief included for free!

The Fae Wood has been explored a great deal in this Kickstarter so we think it’s time to get back to what started it all—Kobolds!

The Cult of the Burning Star worships Starfire as not only their king but as a fiery deity of destruction. It is the Claws of the Wyrm who enforce the Dragon Priests’ order among the unruly masses of Kobolds and bring death to their enemies.

Claw Trainers are bestowed the honor of guiding Starfire’s brood of drakes into battle. With their barking commands and the crack of their whips the drakes are brought to new heights of savagery.

Black Claw Assassins are feared by Hero and monster alike. They excel at blending in with the seething mob of kobolds, springing out to deliver their lethal strike.

Most revered of all are the Wyrm Claw Templars. These elevated Ironscales are granted mighty draconic steeds and thick armor. Their ferocity and extraordinary skill at arms is legendary. Truly their threat is tempered only by the small number of kobolds that can rise to the challenge.

The Dragon Blades are sworn enemies to the Cult of the Burning Claw. These enigmatic figures are always solitary and only found in areas where draconic creatures make their homes. They are ruthless combatants against any foe but take particular relish when faced with their most hated foes—dragons.

The Claws of the Wyrm is an all new warband. Perfect for expanding your games of Super Dungeon Explore. It will be available as an optional purchase add-on for $30.