STORM LEGION LORE: Lt. Brisbane, Sharpshooter and Storm Lance Legionnaires
Lieutenant Sara Brisbane
Cygnar Solo
The daughter of Colonel Markus “Siege” Brisbane, Cygnaran warcaster and hero of the near-endless wars of the past two decades, Sara Brisbane is part of the next generation of warcasters to take the field to safeguard her battered nation. A tenacious fighter like her father, Sara Brisbane has served in the field under Captain Athena di Baro since she graduated from the Strategic Academy. While Sara is still developing her full capabilities, she has learned a number of potent arcane tricks from di Baro.
The Legion’s sharpshooters are dead-eyed marksmen armed with Mag-Bolters, heavy mechanika rifles that rely on galvanic magnetism to project solid-steel projectiles at impossible speeds. With catastrophic results, the terrifying weapons can punch through the thickest armor. The Sharpshooters tend to operate alone at the Legion’s flanks, eliminating high-value targets and finishing off crippled enemy warjacks.
- The Sharpshooter can make a second ranged attack during an activation it uses its Normal Movement to aim.
- The Sharpshooter possesses Reposition [3˝].
- The Mag-Bolter has Armor Piercing.
Storm Lance Legionnaires
The Storm Lance Legionnaires are the heavy cavalry of the Storm Legion. Clad in Legionnaire armor astride heavily armored and insulated warhorses, the Storm Lances charge headlong into the enemy as the vanguard of Cygnar’s forces. Their lances are capable of both brutal charges and searing electrical attacks.
- Cavalry unit.
- Storm Lance Legionnaires Can make ranged and melee attacks in the same activation.
- Their ranged attacks have Electro Leap.
- Their Lances have Brutal Charge. On a critical hit, models hit without Immunity: Electricity are knocked down.
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